Anal and the young

General discussion of the anal only lifestyle. If it doesn't fit elsewhere or isn't a personal comment or question, it probably goes here.
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Re: Anal and the young

Post by adventurista » Fri Aug 05, 2016 2:02 am

Glad to hear that you are making smart decisions based on what you want...not because you feel pressured. Always a bit sad when anyone feels they have to do something just to keep their partners happy. But I have found that a fairly good percentage of women do come to love anal and can have some great orgasms once they have practiced enough. And it is a good option to prevent teenage pregnancies, or pregnancy at any age really. I think teens have much more access to information now than when I grew up. The only reason I knew anal was possible happened when I was quite young and happened to see someone's porn mag. I think it is easier for young people to chose anal, or other types of sex now that information pro and con is so much more readily available. The first time I tried, no one told us about lube and you can imagine how that ended!


Re: Anal and the young

Post by analgirl98 » Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:00 am

Believe me, I've tried a few times without lube, spur of the moment times, but it either doesn't work or ends up hurting.

You're right though, the plethora of information and lack if societal pressure to be a "good girl" has helped us go into sex with a much healthier understanding of it.

In terms of anal, all of my girl-friends have done it. Most say they don't like it, some enjoy it, my friend Laura prefers it and I only practice anal. We've got the education and information at out fingertips to help us make an informed decision on it.

I've been doing it a lot longer than they have though, not sure if that influenced my choice.

I can reach climax via anal stimulation and if worked well enough I can have multiple orgasm too, though that's quite rare.

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Re: Anal and the young

Post by LuvMyWifesAss » Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:52 pm

adventurista is a good option to prevent teenage pregnancies, or pregnancy at any age really. I think teens have much more access to information now than when I grew up... I think it is easier for young people to chose anal, or other types of sex now that information pro and con is so much more readily available. The first time I tried, no one told us about lube and you can imagine how that ended!

This is why it's so important young people are given accurate information regarding anal sex. Too few Sexual Education courses give adequate or accurate information regarding anal sex, such as how to properly prepare for anal sex or the need for supplemental lubrication.

Sadly, students are told how sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted easier through anal sex. Isn't this making the assumption they are having unprotected sexual intercourse? If so, then they are just as likely to get a sexually transmitted disease through vaginal intercourse. If that's the case, then wouldn't it be better to promote anal sex to prevent unwanted pregnancy among teens not practicing "safe sex?" Alarming new statistics point to a condom failure rate well above those promoted:

Condoms fail for regular users: The condom is the most commonly used barrier method of contraception in the world. Yet according to mainstream scientific sources, its efficacy has been grossly overstated by its promoters. After the use of just 10 condoms, the probability of at least one failure is 52%, according to the authoritative Contraceptive Technology and other sources. 22 major studies of more than 40,000 condoms used during heterosexual intercourse in five different countries have found that 4.6% of all the condoms broke and 2.5% of them partially or completely slipped off, for a total failure rate of 7.1%. That means that about 1 in 14 condom uses results in failure. Failure results in exposure to all the sexually-transmitted diseases that a partner has and may result in pregnancy. Even the highest-quality condoms used in the most effective manner possible by educated, monogamous, adult couples fail at a high rate under real-world conditions.

Condoms mean pregnancy over time: Within a year, 15% of sexually active women whose partners use condoms for contraception become pregnant, according to Contraceptive Technology and other top scientific sources. After two years, this means 28% have a pregnancy. After three years, it’s 39%. After four years, it’s 48%. After five years, it’s 56%. These figures are derived from studies of committed adult couples using new and properly-stored condoms which have not been allowed to degrade; the numbers for youth, for women with multiple partners, and for poor and Third World people using expired or improperly-stored condoms are likely worse. The high failure rate of condoms means consistent leakage over time, inevitably making many episodes of sexual intercourse with condoms equivalent to sex without condoms.

Condom promoters employ irrelevant evidence: The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and other global condom promoters claim that condoms have a 98% success rate instead of the 85% success rate documented in real-world studies. The 98% success rate is based on the ideal use of condoms every time by well-trained and highly disciplined adults undermonitoring by scientists. What is relevant is the success rate of condoms by average people, who sometimes fail to put on condoms properly or replace them immediately when they break in the heat of the moment, in the real world over time. Even studies of trained, committed adult couples using new and properly-stored condoms find a real-world pregnancy prevention success rate of 85% over a 12-month period. Unmarried teenagers, often the targets of condom promoters, almost certainly have a far worse record.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be far better for an ejaculate release to occur in the rectum, where pregnancy can be prevented? That being said, If the vast majority of sexually active teens were practicing anal sex, rather than vaginal, the teen pregnancy rate would plummet.

More teens are now taking hormonal birth control than ever before. There is little discussion regarding the immediate affects and long term consequences of hormonal birth control. These can include increased risk of breast and cervical cancer, liver tumors, blood clots (especially effecting the lungs), and heart attack. Anal sex offers a safe, natural alternative to hormonal birth control (as it must be assumed someone using hormonal birth control is not likely to be using condoms).

In the long term, the much stronger muscles of the sphincter will not become slack, as the weaker muscle band of the vagina does over time. This is especially true if the vagina has served it's sole purpose, that of reproduction. Anal sex will allow a the female and her partner to experience more satisfying sex over their lifetime.

So, why isn't anal sex being taught, let alone emphasized in sexual education classes?

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Re: Anal and the young

Post by adventurista » Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:09 am

And now I just learned something! But yes, even if the info is out there, finding the right information can be a challenge.

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