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Lidocaine on Anal Sex.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:46 am
by Vito92
Have you tried Lidocaine? If so please suggest me how to apply correctly, I got one last month, I massage my wife's anus, then inside and rectum. I dont know if we didnt wait enough time (it is said about 5 minutes to take effect) but she didnt really felt what is wroten on internet (0% pain).
She loves anal, but our goal is to have anal sex just like making vaginal sex. We dont like difficult love making since we are in love so much so each time we're going to make love we are always hurry and horny to fuck fast, hard and deep.
She always tell me that it would be literally wonderful if pain doesnt exist on anal sex, altough she feels pain only when we start fucking, then is just pleasure. I know we have to take all the time we need, but always, its almost impossible.
What I noticed is even she still feeling some pain, her asshole and rectum was naturally gaping. Something like HotKinkyJo, and she could take my dick several times on one night, enjoying every second.

Re: Lidocaine on Anal Sex.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:20 am
by 777joee
Take your time. Only way. If you deaden the nerves then she and you will not enjoy as much. It's the nerves that give you and her the greatest pleasure. Trust me if you go slowly either with anal, vaginal or oral the results are better.

A trick might be is to have wild oral and climax for you. It will take a few minutes for you to get hard again. Now bring out the toys to open her up SLOWLY then have her wait again with just a good sized plug.Have her go at you with her mouth again making you super hard. Remove the plug, use lube (my favorite is coconut oil) and enter slowly. Stroke slowly at first then you go wild.


Re: Lidocaine on Anal Sex.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:49 pm
by LuvMyWifesAss
I really don't recommend numbing products, as pain is her body telling you both the slow down. Instead a prefer one of the newer relaxant products the have hit the market in the past few years.

Take a look at the following: ... m03002.htm

This thick silicone lubricant relaxes the sphincter muscle, making penetration much easier and more comfortable. At the same time, it doesn't numb you and lets her enjoy feeling of you penetrating her.

Re: Lidocaine on Anal Sex.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 10:14 am
by MissChief
I second that. You shouldn't use any numbing agents like lidocaine. You could cause a fissure without realizing it.

Re: Lidocaine on Anal Sex.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 3:03 pm
by FarmerDan
Using lidocaine may have the opposite effect to the one you intend, even turn her off anal for ever.

The worst of anal pain comes from muscle spasms, not friction. A numbing agent is not likely to stop the spasms and even if it dulls the discomfort during sex she'll be really sore when it wears off.

Good anal sex takes lots of time, before and during sex; for many or most of us here that's a big part of the enjoyment and sense of achievement.

Except for a tiny number of freaks or those who have been terribly abused, those porn stars you see using their ass 'like a pussy' have had years of practice and even then have had a long warm up before the cameras started rolling.

Take your time. If you're not prepared to put that into your relationship, go find a professional sex worker who specialises in anal. It'll cost you a lot less in the long run.

Re: Lidocaine on Anal Sex.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 3:29 am
by Vito92
Thank you all for your responses. Everybody can't be wrong. Taking time is the only solution. Besides I don't want my wife to stop loving anal just because of my hurry on every love making. We're gonna stop using lidocaine, but I'm going to get a coconut oil, made me so curious.

Re: Lidocaine on Anal Sex.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:02 am
by 777joee
Vito92 wrote:Thank you all for your responses. Everybody can't be wrong. Taking time is the only solution. Besides I don't want my wife to stop loving anal just because of my hurry on every love making. We're gonna stop using lidocaine, but I'm going to get a coconut oil, made me so curious.

Its wonderful....real slippery, lasts a long time. smells great, organic and tasty too.......what's not to love?

Re: Lidocaine on Anal Sex.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:22 pm
by analonlymaster
Not a fan personally. To me numbing products = big no no. That's a way to do some serious damage.