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Talking about AO

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:57 am
by analgirl98
So, I was talking to the lady I sit with at work, she's 53, as she was asking if I was still with my bf and I said no. She was very nice said he was a fool (I know right?!) and stuff, but then she asked why we split.

Well, it's because he couldn't ultimately cope with an AO relationship, but I can't just say that to her right? She's my "work mum", but I can't just lie about it. So, I thought bugger it, and said;

"well, between you and me, I only like to have anal sex, and even though he knew that from the start, it turns out he couldn't handle not doing it the other way"

She didn't even flicker! She just looked at me and said

"well, he's an idiot for leaving you then. You offered him your truest self and he wasn't man enough for you."

I couldn't believe it, I thought shed be shocked at the very least, but it wasn't a thing for her at all! We chatted about it ay length throughout the day (we sit together upstairs so no-one is there to eavesdrop lol. She totally understands how I feel about it all and told me that she doesn't have sex all that often now, her husband has performance issues due to a medical condition, but she has always enjoyed anal sex herself, though only once or twice a month at her height.

It was a really refreshing conversation, I felt really good opening up to her like that, very liberating! She asked if I liked older guys, told me her son (33) is single. I said it was a funny that after we'd had that conversation she'd try and hook me up with her son, but also that yeah I was open minded and gave her my mobile number to pass on, though made her promise not to mention my preferences!

Let's see where this goes!

Re: Talking about AO

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:21 pm
by analgirl98
Ok, so he called me, arranged a date for Monday night, dinner and drinks :P

We had a good chat on the phone, he's divorced and single, 1 daughter that they share custody of, own house. Didn't mention the AO thing (Julie promised not to say anything too!) if I'm going to date him I'll just see how we get on a few times before getting there :)

Re: Talking about AO

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:08 pm
by FarmerDan
ooh nice work!

Your workmate's reaction makes me wonder how many people regard anal sex as fairly routine. If it's not taboo it could spoil the fun!

Re: Talking about AO

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:25 am
by tzedien
Ok. I'd like to be supportive here. But I have a concern. I've read your posts (anal gang bang on a table, fuck buddy, etc.), you just might want to consider that you're going to be too much or him (or anyone for that matter). I'm just saying. Maybe you should look at other ways to find guys. Seriously, if you're truthful with him about where you've been (and you should be) you could be putting his mind into serious head trauma. I'm not judging you understand. Just trying to stay real.

Re: Talking about AO

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:26 am
by analgirl98
Oh I've no intention of scaring him off, I'm not going to tell him about bring AO until it's actually relevant. I'm not naive enough to think telling him that early on isn't going to cloud his judgement like it has with guys in the past.

My past is just that. The things I've done are secrets, most of the guys involved (all but 1) are married anyway!

This I'm going to take slowly.

Re: Talking about AO

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:01 pm
by analgirl98
Went on the date. Absolutely lovely guy, definitely going out with him again :)

Re: Talking about AO

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:41 pm
by tzedien
Glad to hear it! I wish all humans happiness in life (ok, aliens too). Just go slow with where you want to go. Give it time. Be honest! Work into things. Consider long term (and long term may mean a monogamous relationship). As I'm sure you know, if it's worthwhile, then it's worth the time it's going to take to build something meaningful. Good luck!

Re: Talking about AO

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:40 am
by analgirl98
Thank you! 2nd date is tonight, so hopefully I'll enjoy myself again :)

The age gap between us doesn't bother me at all but I saw a few people looking at us like he was my dad lol. Given our ages it's possible these days, but I don't care what they think lol.

Re: Talking about AO

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 2:35 am
by urabus
Hey there. How's it been going?