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The Most Important Part.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:26 pm
by kurtkokane
Hello to All those AO,

What do you think is the most crucial part of maintaining your AO relationship with your partner?

We are not by far, but dabble here and there for a period of days (where if denied anally, then so denied vaginally).

Is it the sexual side (physical, constant D/s and/or denial, etc.) or being able to maintain that relationship outside of the bedroom? I don't know how much it is for you all, but a large chunk of our lives together otherwise has to be vanilla. Whether it's vanilla or kink, we're both great with each other. So even though we haven't yet achieved extended anal periods, I feel our close friendship together is helping us head towards this. Although I have always given in to the vagina, I love that she plays along with these short spurts of AO. It makes me the happiest when I meet her smile in the middle of a day, after well more than a week of no-vag, that's when I know she's my one.

Wish you all well,