Anal and incontinence? What's the truth?

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Anal and incontinence? What's the truth?

Post by DeepThinker » Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:07 am


I've recently come across various articles on the internet discussing a potential link between anal and an increased risk of incontinence. These articles advise against engaging in (frequent) anal, for example: ... lains.html
What is the association between anal sex and fecal incontinence? Receiving anal sex results in a 34 percent increased risk of fecal incontinence in women and a 119 percent increased risk of fecal incontinence in men! (For the purposes of the study, fecal incontinence was defined as leakage of liquid or solid stool or mucus, at least monthly.) Keep in mind these figures are relative risks, meaning that the absolute increases are only 2.5 percent in women and 6.3 percent in men. That being said, I would submit that any increased risk of fecal incontinence is a risk that is just not worth taking.

So, after this careful analysis, here are my concluding thoughts on anal sex as a health care professional specializing in colon and rectal diseases:

Anal sex seems to significantly raise your risk of having fecal incontinence.
You probably shouldn’t do it.
If you are going to do it anyway, don’t do it too frequently.

They say to avoid anal altogether

I wanted to reach out to this community to gather perspectives from anal enthusiasts who have experience and knowledge about the topic. Is there any truth to the claim that anal increases the risk of incontinence? Are there any reliable sources or research articles that present a different view? Does practicing anal responsibly mitigate the potential risks? Looking forward to your input and sources!

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Re: Anal and incontinence? What's the truth?

Post by Backdoorlover » Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:38 am

I hope this is a serious question and not just another troll action.

So, I know a couple who have been doing regular anal sex for about 11 years by now. Her asshole is still as thight as it was on day one.

My girlfriend had regular anal sex with her ex. Like 2-3 times a week for years. Since we are doing anal we increased that number to daily assfucks. And we have long anal fucks.

If something happened for her, it’s that her bowel movement improved. Before me she had diarea on regular basis. In the 3 years we’ve been together she had diarea once only.

We trained her asshole with care and respect. She’s perfectly able to take my cock up her ass fully dry, because she can relax and let me slide in with ease. But 8/10 we use plenty of coconut oil to assfuck her. It just works better if I want to fuck her harder, something we both appreciate.

So I don’t believe anal sex will lead to incontinence enless fisting and such is involved. The spincter is a muscle. As long as it’s trianed instead of ruined, it will close nicely after being fucked. My girlfriend had my cock up her ass at least 1000 times this last 3 years, I think more realstic up to 1200 times. Even my sperm never drips out. Her asshole closes off and keeps my cum in her ass, which is exactly what we both love. It should stay up her ass and be absorbed by her bowel.
Backdoorlover’s quote:

“Ass to mouth is the only right way to have sex”🔥

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Re: Anal and incontinence? What's the truth?

Post by DeepThinker » Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:48 am

Backdoorlover wrote:
Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:38 am
I hope this is a serious question and not just another troll action.

So, I know a couple who have been doing regular anal sex for about 11 years by now. Her asshole is still as thight as it was on day one.

My girlfriend had regular anal sex with her ex. Like 2-3 times a week for years. Since we are doing anal we increased that number to daily assfucks. And we have long anal fucks.

If something happened for her, it’s that her bowel movement improved. Before me she had diarea on regular basis. In the 3 years we’ve been together she had diarea once only.

We trained her asshole with care and respect. She’s perfectly able to take my cock up her ass fully dry, because she can relax and let me slide in with ease. But 8/10 we use plenty of coconut oil to assfuck her. It just works better if I want to fuck her harder, something we both appreciate.

So I don’t believe anal sex will lead to incontinence enless fisting and such is involved. The spincter is a muscle. As long as it’s trianed instead of ruined, it will close nicely after being fucked. My girlfriend had my cock up her ass at least 1000 times this last 3 years, I think more realstic up to 1200 times. Even my sperm never drips out. Her asshole closes off and keeps my cum in her ass, which is exactly what we both love. It should stay up her ass and be absorbed by her bowel.

Interesting. Sphincter is a muscle, and exercising the muscle (anal) should make it stronger. I agree with the sentiment. I just wanted to know if there's any research on it

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Re: Anal and incontinence? What's the truth?

Post by Canassman » Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:54 am

My understanding is that the only studies that have ever linked incontinence to anal were ones that had subjects who were involved in frequent extreme anal,actions, such as fisting and huge toy insertions. The link does not include details of the study so we can’t look at the medthods and subjects. Regular anal intercourse, at least anecdotally, doesn’t seem to indicate any issues,

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Re: Anal and incontinence? What's the truth?

Post by Colt1911 » Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:03 am

I’ve been involved in risk management for 44 years. There are risks associated with getting out of bed or driving to work. You have a much greater risk of death driving to work than working from home. Will you quit your job because of this?

The link below is from the US National Institute of Health which lost credibility during COVID. Sadly, many people no longer trust this and other “health” institutions.

There is a much greater risk or urinary tract infection associated with frequent vaginal intercourse. Probably also a much greater risk of UTI in men and women who masturbate because of bacteria present on the hand.

Risk is relative and often very subjective. If members of this forum who regularly engage in anal sex do not experience fecal incontinence, why stop because of some potentially flawed study. In fact, urinary incontinence is more commonly associated among females, so maybe the corrupt NIH should recommend women stop engaging in vaginal intercourse.

As @Canassman stated, there’s a lack of anecdotal evidence on this forum dedicated to anal sex. You’d think a contributor to this site would mention fecal incontinence but I’ve never read such an account.

Last, some of the articles mention “liquid” leakage other than fecal matter. If you engage in anal sex and cum in the receivers ass, you’re depositing “liquid” in the rectum. My wife enjoys my cum in her ass and the “leakage” that occurs hours after anal sex. The same “leakage” occurs following vaginal intercourse.

I see little to no risk associated with anal, and for many of us on this forum, it appears to be a risk we are all comfortable taking.

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Re: Anal and incontinence? What's the truth?

Post by analinguist » Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:20 am

Here's the study: ... 840590.pdf
It's from NHANES data, Data was not collected specifically to answer this question.
Looks at anal in men and women, the results linking anal sex to incontinence are driven more by the men. 4.5% of the men said yes to "oral and anal intercourse with a man", and a good sample of them said yes to at-least-once-in-their- lifetime anal sex.

The incontinence result for women reports an increased risk among women who partake in anal sex with a man (adjusted odds ratio 1.5, confidence interval 1.0-2.0). Ideally, the conf interval should not overlap 1.

As the study itself notes "When using cross-sectional data sets, such as NHANES, we are not able to prove causality between the outcome of interest (FI) and the exposure variables. We also did not adjust our analyses for multiple testing and all the potential confounding variables of the association between anal incontinence and FI may not have been queried in a broad study of health factors such as NHANES."

In general, though interesting, I'd say this study is an attempt to publish a paper on secondary data for GI journal publication rather than conclusive evidence (research paper bloat - nothing wrong with that). The investigation is not as rigorous aas a focussed study that had anal sex and incontinence as one of the primary study objectives. So, for eg, they didn't control for type of diet or for any pre-existing chronic GI conditions (like IBS, say).

Not to say there may not be a link, just that this paper is insufficient evidence

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Re: Anal and incontinence? What's the truth?

Post by LuvMyWifesAss » Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:52 pm

Previously read this study in detail. What I remember taking away from it is, the sample size and lack of data regarding other anal activities or health issues (fisting, large toys, long term plug wear, IBS, Crones Disease, removal of the gall bladder, etc ) makes the variance well within the margin of error. In other words, there could be a million reasons for the variance that were not taken into consideration.

Now, based on the real accounts of those practicing the anal only lifestyle (AO), incontinence has not been something experienced by anyone I've talked to regarding frequent, long term anal sex.

By all accounts, at about 8 inches (about 20 cm) long and 7 inches (about 17.8 cm) in circumference, I'm a larger than average (nothing like the 10"+ stuck cocks in most porn though). My wife and I have practiced frequent anal sex for more than 30 years. For nearly 18 years, we've been anal only. Since challenging ourselves to have sex at least once per day in 2019, we've averaged anal sex at least 45 times in any given 30 day period. Not only that, but the amount of time we spend having anal intercourse has increased throughout those 30 years. I would estimate that, in that same 30 day period, we average about 34 hours of penetrative sex. This said, my wife has not experienced any issue with incontinence. Surely, if someone was likely to experience incontinence from anal sex wouldn't it be her?

Of course, there could be a genetic component to it, or physical size may also play a factor. Whatever the reasons, as someone else said, it's like the risk you take every time you drive a car. Are you going to stop driving a car because you might get in an accident?

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Re: Anal and incontinence? What's the truth?

Post by aNewFrivolity » Wed Apr 24, 2024 8:39 am

I would recommend reading "Anal pleasure and health" by Jack Morrin, who is himself a medical doctor and has studied the subject intensively. His conclusion is the same as those mentioned here: When practised safely, anal sex does not increase the risk of incontinence.

What one must keep in mind is the amount of misinformation out there. A lot of people *still* think that using poppers, for example, is a good way of preparing for anal sex, and sex shops sell numbing lubricants especially made for anal play. Others believe pain is acceptable in the beginning. To return to the idea of the sphincter(s) as muscles, think of it like this: If thousands and thousands of people did yoga only after taking pain medication, or got into the poses with the idea of "it has to hurt at the start", how many studies would find a link between yoga and torn musculature?
I absolutely think that anal sex that regularly leads to pain and thus little tears in the musculature of the rectum can create problems with incontinence. However:

Just as the idea of yoga is to learn to relax into the poses instead of forcing anything, for painless, "proper" anal sex, one needs to learn to let go and relax the sphincters as well, especially the inner one which people cannot readily control at will. Hence, I think the study is flawed, since not all anal sex is created equally.

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Re: Anal and incontinence? What's the truth?

Post by FarmerDan » Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:23 pm

If there was a direct link between anal sex and incontinence, someone would be making a nice line of designer diapers for gay guys ...
It's a lifestyle folks not a 2 minute sprint

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Re: Anal and incontinence? What's the truth?

Post by hdean667 » Wed May 01, 2024 1:38 pm

Fact is, the studies have been few and far between. I think I have seen a total of three. All had fairly small sample sizes and the variables made them essentially useless for predicting facal incontinence. They also included anyone who had anal sex a single time in their life, which, lots of people have and then swore off.

Now, I am not what you would call a ladies man. I am a serial monagamist. I've had long lasting relationships with 4 women and short term relationships with about 10 others. I have had frequent anal (at least twice a week) with all but one of them. Granted, this sample size is small, but none have ever shown signs of fecal incontinence unless you count semen leaking out within the first couple hours of sex. This gibes with others I know who are frequent enjoyers of anal sex, as well.

for the record, my GF and I hacve been AO for over 3 years now. We generally have sex at least 5 days a week. This year it has not been the case to to various illnesses and events. But we are now back on track and her ass is as tight as ever - even tighter when she regularly wears her plug.

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