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Virginity pledges and anal sex

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:27 am
by LuvMyWifesAss
Research has shown that a high percentage of teens who take virginity pledges often have sex anyway. Many of these engage in anal sex instead. That being said, one would wonder how many of these females continue to have anal sex after marriage, and how many may even prefer it, as they have learned to associate anal sex with sexual pleasure.

If this is the case, I wonder if there is a church somewhere in which many of the young married women are having anal sex most of the time?

In this case, virginity pledges may be a positive thing. :lol:

Re: Virginity pledges and anal sex

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:43 pm
by mardobolo
Interesting questions. I'd love to see more research on "anal for religious reasons". We know it does happen but we can only speculate how common it is.

I think this type of anal-only relationship might be more common than people think. Here's why:

First, the research on virginity pledges shows pretty conclusively that they don't work, mostly because they are such a hard limit on behavior that they're nearly impossible to maintain over the long run. (It's the same reason extreme diets usually fail.) On the other hand if a young couple understands it's ok for them to have anal intercourse, and they are coached and encouraged to take that path, then premarital vaginal sex becomes much less of a temptation. So from a practical standpoint the religions that especially value virginity (Catholics, Evangelical Christians) would have to see anal as a way to make virginity pledges really work.

Also, for cultural reasons the people in these religions can't openly discuss sex among unmarried people, other than to promote complete abstinence. This social pressure is bound to give us a highly skewed view of what is actually going on behind closed doors. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if a lot of anal relationships fly below the radar because they aren't topics of polite conversation for the people involved.

How many of these couples continue having anal sex after they get married is anyone's guess.