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Reasons for Anal Only

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:00 pm
by SA_Headmistress
In my introduction post I stated that I was working on a module for a website I'm building. The module is a section of a course on anal sex techniques for women. After having come across this site and some discussion in another venue, I decided to write a module specifically about going anal only. Obviously as a part of that I need to discuss reasons why anal only might be something a woman would want to consider.

These are the reasons I've come up with so far. Are there any others that I have not thought of yet that anyone else might want me to include?

* Your body doesn’t tolerate the forms of birth control available to you
* You cannot tolerate vaginal penetration
* Stronger orgasms for some
* Adopting a submissive lifestyle where anal is a primary form of submission
* Personal preference of one or both of the parties involved
* Personal preference of the male

I'd appreciate any input you guys/girls might want to share.

Re: Reasons for Anal Only

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:45 pm
by FarmerDan
Especially for older couples it can be like starting your sexual journey all over again, with all the intensity that goes with that.

For me it signifies a complete break with sex as a reproductive activity and everything that goes with that, (mating, setting up house, child rearing), allowing the participants to interact free of predetermined roles..

Re: Reasons for Anal Only

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:57 am
by analsexonly
For some, it's just a challenge, something new to try with a partner, either to spice things up or just because they like trying new things and seeing if they can be satisfied exclusively from anal for an extended period of time.

For some, it's more intimate than vaginal sex and leads to a much closer relationship.

For some, even though it can be incredibly enjoyable with more powerful sensations and orgasms, the sating power of those orgasms is reduced and the woman's level of arousal remains at a higher level, which leads to more frequent sex and a better sex life with her partner(s).

For some, it's the taboo nature (even the taboo of anal is rapidly fading) and the feeling of naughtiness around not only having anal sex but exclusively doing so. This may not be an effective long term reason for remaining anal only, as once you're having exclusively anal sex, several times a week, indefinitely, it's not exactly an unusual act anymore. But this may be a common reason for initial interest and appeal in the idea.

For some, it's the idea of "subverting" your body and training yourself to use your anus and rectum as a sex organ while completely abandoning the sex organ nature provided. This may appeal for a variety of reasons, including taking conscious control of your body and sexuality.

I've written a post before about this subject, which may be of interest: The Many Roads Leading to the Anal Only Lifestyle

Re: Reasons for Anal Only

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:58 am
by Robert
Lots of good points here. Especially about the deep connection signified by this commitment and the rejection of all that baggage associated with traditional sex.
analsexonly wrote: For some, it's the idea of "subverting" your body and training yourself to use your anus and rectum as a sex organ while completely abandoning the sex organ nature provided. This may appeal for a variety of reasons, including taking conscious control of your body and sexuality.

And its a sex organ that more men are openly admitting to not liking all that much. Why wouldn't women instead want to give their men something that they do enjoy? I personally don't see it as subversion as I reckon you can look on the anus as an equally valid sex organ (or better IMO).

Re: Reasons for Anal Only

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:39 pm
by analsexonly
The use of the term "subverting" in this context isn't mine originally, but a woman who posted somewhere some time ago (unfortunately, I am no longer aware of the original source, but it stuck in my mind) about why anal only personally appealed to her.

Re: Reasons for Anal Only

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 3:58 pm
by theanon1212
For me I guess it's a combination. I admit the idea appealed to my sub side :oops: But my boyfriend had anxiety issues over vaginal sex to which there didn't seem to be any other answer. Even given this it's not a simple or easy decision to make. I'm sure the reasons are different for everyone though.

Re: Reasons for Anal Only

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:28 am
by Buttwoman
Great question.
Of the choices you've given the closest is I can't stand vaginal penetration, but that's not fully accurate, or complete.
Even tho I began my sexually active life with anal, I've had vaginal, oral, and all the usual vagina-centric stuff. I not only don't come, after a very short time, it becomes bothersome. I feel like somebody is just pounding away for no reason. First I get bored, then I get sore.
I can orgasm from my clitoris, but I have to be completely relaxed, and in the mood. If it doesn't happen pretty quickly tho, I put a big dildo, or plug in my butt, and without even stroking in and out, BOOM, I'm coming. If I want another, I quit with the clitoris, and stroke a bit with the dildo. Works every time.
I have often really thought something was wrong with me, either physiologically, and mentally. I've discussed this with my Dr. who can find nothing wrong with me, I have sensation in all the right parts. She finally declared me fit, and healthy, and basically suggested - Don't fix what ain't broke.
Mentally, I saw a therapist for a separate issue, and as always, the subject of sex came up (I really think therapists choose that job just to talk about sex). I was completely open to her about my 'fetish', or whatever it was. We had a pretty long conversation about it, and she agreed, that if a Dr. thought it wasn't a physical problem, I should just go with what works.
There you go...I'm not sick, I'm not insane. I've just like what I like.

Re: Reasons for Anal Only

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 7:20 am
by analsexonly
Buttwoman wrote:I have often really thought something was wrong with me, either physiologically, and mentally. I've discussed this with my Dr. who can find nothing wrong with me, I have sensation in all the right parts. She finally declared me fit, and healthy, and basically suggested - Don't fix what ain't broke.
Mentally, I saw a therapist for a separate issue, and as always, the subject of sex came up (I really think therapists choose that job just to talk about sex). I was completely open to her about my 'fetish', or whatever it was. We had a pretty long conversation about it, and she agreed, that if a Dr. thought it wasn't a physical problem, I should just go with what works.
There you go...I'm not sick, I'm not insane. I've just like what I like.

Until very recently (and still, many places), much of society has treated doing anal regularly and enjoying or preferring it as something unusual or weird. There's still a lot of taboo and judgement associated with it, and men and women can treat those who love anal in a negative manner, calling them "sluts" or other slurs for preferring it up the ass. Slowly, as more people are opening up about their preferences and how anal really can be more enjoyable for people, this is changing.

Ultimately, everyone is a little different and those differences, both physiologically and experientially, lead to some preferring vaginal and others anal. In my personal experience, however, a majority of women, when introduced to anal in a manner that does not cause them pain, will love it. With a little practice and exploration, most seem to prefer it to vaginal.

Re: Reasons for Anal Only

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:59 am
by KinkyGermanGuy
I am not yet anal only, but anal mostly. My partner is still enjoying vaginal every now and then. For me the path to AO is actually a result of abuse. I once love vaginal as much as anal or oral, but after having had a very emotional abusive relationship with a partner who I worshiped and gave all thinkable sexual pleasures with the exception of anal, I received PTSD which gets triggered by a lot of intimacy that reminds me of her. The only form of intimacy not spoiled by emotional pain and anxiety is now anal, and I accepted that change.