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Re: Anal only dating?

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:29 pm
by AnnoMundi
Lookiwolf wrote:Let me present you with this scenario: I am a woman. I have met an awesome guy. We're going to have sex. I tell him I only want anal. He says "sure, no problem!". Then the moment I get distracted in the middle of it, he puts it in my vagina. I tell him to stop. He doesn't. Because he was lying, and he's a scumbag, and it was impossible to tell until the moment it happened.

My, what a problem to have, right?

So...., we went from chosing the wrong guy to have sex with to rape? Isn't that reductio ad absurdum?
Lookiwolf wrote:It was a hypothetical scenario, fortunately it hasn't happened to me. Sadly, stuff like that is depressingly common. And it should end with a call to the police and a jail sentence because hey, it's rape.

Anyway we're getting off topic. And I'm focusing a lot on the worst-possible-scenario, when in reality most men are down with anal only. It's just that dating and getting to know new people is always an ordeal.

Try it from the perspective of most men. You only have to find the right guy and unless you're hideous he'll be easy to get into bed with. We have to find the right girl, and convince her that we're the one for her as well. And if she's in the wrong mood, and/or we're not on top of our game its NEXT! I've been hitting online dating lately and it's like I try to have to sell penis enlargement pills or pretend to be a Nigerian email prince. It's spam spam spam in the hope that maybe a few ladies will reply. And I try to be original in my messaging, but even that gets exhausting after a while. And its not like I get a lot to work with in that regard because 99% of all the ladies seem to basically copy paste each others profile.

The sexual dating market is ridiculously skewed in favor of you ladies it's not even funny. Unless you're a player, which unfortunately I'm not. So a thousand apologies from this Dutch oaf if I am a little insensitive to your problems as I unfortunately have my own dating problems to worry about.

Re: Anal only dating?

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:17 pm
by Haunter
Sgt_Valk wrote:Just saying. If a guy starts talking sexually about you vagina, act repulsed like he just tipped a handicapped persons wheel chair onto a baby kitten for fun. I think he will get the point pretty fast.


Great metaphor Sgt!

Re: Anal only dating?

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:22 pm
by Haunter
When I stubbornly keep using OkCupid with almost 0 as result I anyway notice plenty of women, or more in general users, online. But often I listen to stories who claim it's very tough to obtain anything worthing from online dating. But as I said people keep surfing theme!

Has anyone ever managed to be satisfied by them?

Re: Anal only dating?

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:01 pm
by Sgt_Valk
I have only made a few friends through online dating apps like okc and tinder. I have had a little success using fetlife, but the person had introduced me to the site. So we already had a base before we started dating. We just happened to find out a bit more of each others kinks through fetlife profiles before we started talking more seriously. But even that didnt really end up working out because of a number of things. Mainly the long distance.

Re: Anal only dating?

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:29 pm
by AnnoMundi
I talked to a woman today who was on a dating site for only three days. I remember seeing her profile and it really was bare to the bone, pic only with barely any text. In those three days she still got 50 messages.

Imagine coming to work on monday and finding 50 emails. And the day after, and the day after. How long do you think you are able to answer all 50 of them before you start skimming through them quickly for the really interesting/important ones?

50 messages! :shock: 50 guys basically offering her their dick. If you're ever wondering why internet dating is not working for you as a man, keep that in mind. You gotta spam, you gotta stand out of the pack, and preferable message the new girls early, when they still take the time and effort to read and reply to your messages. You gotta become more then just Prince Charming, you have to become a Nigerian Prince Charming! :mrgreen: Become creative, keep the faith and never let it bother you.

Re: Anal only dating?

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:55 pm
by FarmerDan
I've been trawling the internet since the first days of the internet (yes, Haunter, there was a time Before Internet, when people somehow managed to have sex).

At first the internet was inhabited entirely by geeks, who have no knowledge of or interest in sex (once in a while a geek would post another geek a low res picture of a naked breast so they could puzzle over what it might be.

After a while people who were truly kinky and hence thought outside the square started to show up and huzzah! some were female. For few years I ran into interesting and adventurous people. It was like being in a small club of like minds and good times resulted. Yes, including some very satisfying anal adventures.

And then the masses showed up, and everything went downhill. Fake tits, fake news. People hitting on each other for the sex and the money alone. I haven't had a good connection on line in more than a decade, and not just because I'm ancient (I do just fine in the non-cyber world, thank you).

Ah but amid this bleakness there is some very good news for anal addicts. If and when you meet someone offline there is a much higher chance these days that they are curious about, interested in, or even experienced in anal sex. You only have to show them that you can be trusted with this most intimate part of their body.

Do not take that trust lightly by the way. Surveys show that most women are turned off by their first experience of anal sex because their partner was impatient, uncaring, and/or ignorant! As disciple of AOL you have a duty to spread the word that anal sex done right is deeply rewarding. Be prepared to demonstrate ..

Re: Anal only dating?

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 3:56 am
by Sgt_Valk
@Annomundi, i understand the women's strife in this. This is what happens when society says that a male MUST make the first move and you give them the anonymity of the internet. Reread that for again. Every man on the internet that passes by that girls page will try to make the first move.... because that is what society has taught them

Re: Anal only dating?

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:12 pm
by AnnoMundi
FarmerDan wrote:I've been trawling the internet since the first days of the internet (yes, Haunter, there was a time Before Internet, when people somehow managed to have sex).

At first the internet was inhabited entirely by geeks, who have no knowledge of or interest in sex (once in a while a geek would post another geek a low res picture of a naked breast so they could puzzle over what it might be.

After a while people who were truly kinky and hence thought outside the square started to show up and huzzah! some were female. For few years I ran into interesting and adventurous people. It was like being in a small club of like minds and good times resulted. Yes, including some very satisfying anal adventures.

And then the masses showed up, and everything went downhill. Fake tits, fake news. People hitting on each other for the sex and the money alone. I haven't had a good connection on line in more than a decade, and not just because I'm ancient (I do just fine in the non-cyber world, thank you).
Ah but amid this bleakness there is some very good news for anal addicts. If and when you meet someone offline there is a much higher chance these days that they are curious about, interested in, or even experienced in anal sex. You only have to show them that you can be trusted with this most intimate part of their body.

I do remember those pre-internet days. Those dark, terrible days. When an encyclopedia was basically the internet. And ordering stuff online involved going to a specialty store and have the guy there pull out endless catalogs. And online anal porn consisted of having to go a video rental store. Or buy it in a porn shop. They say never judge a book by its cover and boy does that caveat apply to renting or buying porn.

No, I lived without the internet for a good part of my existence, and yet I don't think I could go back to those days.

Except for mobile phones. I hate those damn things. No, let me rephrase that, I hate the way people can't stop looking like zombies at those damn things in the most ridiculous and inopportune places. That's one part of my pre-internet days I still carry with me. I don't have the need to constantly check to see what others are doing online. If I want to know that I'd rather go meet them in person and have them tell me.
Do not take that trust lightly by the way. Surveys show that most women are turned off by their first experience of anal sex because their partner was impatient, uncaring, and/or ignorant! As disciple of AOL you have a duty to spread the word that anal sex done right is deeply rewarding. Be prepared to demonstrate ..

Amen, brother! Amen!
Sgt_Valk wrote:@Annomundi, i understand the women's strife in this. This is what happens when society says that a male MUST make the first move and you give them the anonymity of the internet. Reread that for again. Every man on the internet that passes by that girls page will try to make the first move.... because that is what society has taught them

It's part that, I fully agree. But there's also part choice addiction and choice phobia. In the dark days before the internet you were limited in your choice of partners in the people that you would meet in daily life and your network. Internet dating basically consisted of dating agencies or placing an add in a newspaper or magazine. The term mailorder bride stems from those days. Nowadays you have access to a choice of potential partners from all over the world if need be. The choices are now endless. It's like having gone from having to chose between 2 or 3 brands of peanut butter in a supermarket to dozens. This creates confusion, but also choice addiction and choice phobia. The former causes you to seek more and more potential partners, thus stopping you from making a choice. The latter stops you from making a choice because what if, out of all those thousands of potential partners, you chose the wrong one? What if a better partner comes along? Better keep on looking!

Nobody wants to settle, like it has become a dirty word. Everybody wants that fairy tale prince charming, or princess perfect. As usual the quest for perfection is what keeps us from enjoying and exploring what is potentially perfectly alright. Musicians often say that less is more, and I think the principle applies to dating too. It's better to have a small selection to chose from, that you get to know really well, then have the choice of tens of thousands who you know hardly at all.

@ Haunter: Maybe you should try a dating agency? They're not going to select for you on the basis of AO, but unlike onlike dating you at least will get to meet some women in person. And that's going to be a hell of a lot better chance then you will get with things like OKC.

Re: Anal only dating?

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:09 pm
by Haunter
@ Haunter: Maybe you should try a dating agency? They're not going to select for you on the basis of AO, but unlike onlike dating you at least will get to meet some women in person. And that's going to be a hell of a lot better chance then you will get with things like OKC.

@Annomundi: Hum... Likewise "night clubs" in a former thread some time ago, I must confess I never realized, so far, this kind of agencies working with 'physical' people existed! Alway always good to improve my knowledge...

Well, the idea doesn't sound crazy, but just the thought of me going to such a place makes me feel highly uncomfortable. In fact I consider myself pretty brave in many different things in life, even social ones among all, but some situations evoke my shyest side. And public dating would surely be one of these. In synthesis I really hate very much showing my intimate feelings to those who are not supposed to be involved. Even dancing in public strongly discourages me, to say. Plus the idea of letting my own romantic management to some "dating manager" makes me feel very stupid somehow.

I know: I am an "infernal difficulty" puzzle as regards dating :lol:

Just to laugh a bit more about all this enormous limit of mine, I'll add that when in real life I happen to come across a girl I like very much on the physical side at least, then I (don't ask me why!) instead of trying getting closer to her and creating the sparkle for a connection I just turn my face into a frozen bronze mask and act almost pretending to ignore her. When she leaves I always get angry with myself but any next time it's almost the same.

I think the only possible solution is a beautiful mermaid falling directly into my arms from the end of the rainbow and kissing me first. :lol:

PS: Were not I be quite handsome, with an athletic figure, hope good sense of humor, great creativity and so on I could understand things going this way, but provided this is not the case it's really a pity all this shyness seasoned with the dating intelligence of a blind turkey :roll:

Re: Anal only dating?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:46 pm
by AnnoMundi
Haunter wrote:
@ Haunter: Maybe you should try a dating agency? They're not going to select for you on the basis of AO, but unlike onlike dating you at least will get to meet some women in person. And that's going to be a hell of a lot better chance then you will get with things like OKC.

@Annomundi: Hum... Likewise "night clubs" in a former thread some time ago, I must confess I never realized, so far, this kind of agencies working with 'physical' people existed! Alway always good to improve my knowledge...

Well, the idea doesn't sound crazy, but just the thought of me going to such a place makes me feel highly uncomfortable. In fact I consider myself pretty brave in many different things in life, even social ones among all, but some situations evoke my shyest side. And public dating would surely be one of these. In synthesis I really hate very much showing my intimate feelings to those who are not supposed to be involved. Even dancing in public strongly discourages me, to say. Plus the idea of letting my own romantic management to some "dating manager" makes me feel very stupid somehow.

I know: I am an "infernal difficulty" puzzle as regards dating :lol:

Just to laugh a bit more about all this enormous limit of mine, I'll add that when in real life I happen to come across a girl I like very much on the physical side at least, then I (don't ask me why!) instead of trying getting closer to her and creating the sparkle for a connection I just turn my face into a frozen bronze mask and act almost pretending to ignore her. When she leaves I always get angry with myself but any next time it's almost the same.

I think the only possible solution is a beautiful mermaid falling directly into my arms from the end of the rainbow and kissing me first. :lol:

PS: Were not I be quite handsome, with an athletic figure, hope good sense of humor, great creativity and so on I could understand things going this way, but provided this is not the case it's really a pity all this shyness seasoned with the dating intelligence of a blind turkey :roll:

Dating agencies don't involve having you go to a physical place. You contact them, a consultant meets you, you tell what you want and what your dating handicaps are, you pay them, they will look for a number of potential matches among their clients. Once a match comes out you still have to contact the lady and arrange a meetup. But she will know you're shy, and you will at least get to meet the lady. The rest is up to you. Chances are it will take you several matches for one to work, as you're shy guy with no experience in these matters. So think of them as a way to get that experience.

Never view a rejection as personal. It's a numbers game. There are no such things as soul mates and THE ONE. Give up all preconceived notions about romance That's just Hollywood bullshit that has done more damage to human relationships then porn ever will. There will be no magical mermaids falling in your lap. In the end the only person that can help you is you. You have to get the fuck out there. Take baby steps if you have too. Don't approach girls for numbers, but just say hi to a girl once a day. And build from there.

But for god sakes stop hiding behind feeling sorry for yourself and get out there. Do something! Except post here. That you probably do WAY too much.