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Tips? Trouble with upkeep!

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 6:59 pm
by Shanabanana
Short backstory- husband and I have an open marriage. His girlfriend is trans, so obviously they are exclusively anal. He expressed his intention that our relationship should be the same. We all live together. I am totally fine with all of this.
Issue- I am getting my ass fucked 3-4 times a day between the two of them. I am finding the "upkeep" (?) exhausting! I'm cleaning my ass before quickly in the shower with fingers before and after sex. I also keep getting loose stools, which I'm just attributing that to the semen, as I'm sure I don't get it all every time! I'm devoting 2-3 hours to cleaning my ass every day! Any tips? Suggestions? Cleaning routines you'd like to share? FYI- I am vegetarian and definitely eat specifically for the anal only lifestyle.

Re: Tips? Trouble with upkeep!

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:50 am
by HaakonM39
So the trans is it a woman who now has a dick or man that now has a vagina? Why do you spend so much time cleaning, I think eat more fibers and just have have a wet wipe before and poop semen after. For loose stool its because they are comming inside your ass, make them cum in your mouht instead;)

Re: Tips? Trouble with upkeep!

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:02 am
by analsexonly
@Shanabanana Welcome, and thanks for sharing.

Sometimes cleaning can cause more issues than not cleaning, or you may be trying to clean too thoroughly and end up making more of a mess as a result. If you eat a healthy high-fiber diet and exercise regularly, you probably don't need a great deal of cleaning beyond perhaps a light flush with a small amount of warm water at most. If you go for a deeper clean, it can sort of activate and speed up your digestive system, resulting in more of a mess and more time needed to thoroughly clean out. The goal should generally be to just flush out your rectum and no more, and then adjust from there as needed. Wearing a butt plug and then taking it out and going to the bathroom before sex also helps.

Re: Tips? Trouble with upkeep!

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:39 am
by LuvMyWifesAss
analsexonly wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:02 am
@Shanabanana Welcome, and thanks for sharing.

Sometimes cleaning can cause more issues than not cleaning, or you may be trying to clean too thoroughly and end up making more of a mess as a result. If you eat a healthy high-fiber diet and exercise regularly, you probably don't need a great deal of cleaning beyond perhaps a light flush with a small amount of warm water at most. If you go for a deeper clean, it can sort of activate and speed up your digestive system, resulting in more of a mess and more time needed to thoroughly clean out. The goal should generally be to just flush out your rectum and no more, and then adjust from there as needed. Wearing a butt plug and then taking it out and going to the bathroom before sex also helps.

I agree. Your loose stools may be more a result of your cleaning routine or lubricant than your partners semen. Unless you feel the need to have a bowel movement, the most you should require is a quick douche of your rectum with a bulb made for that purpose. If they ejaculate into your rectum, you may feel a need to go to the bathroom, like you have diarrhea. If that's the case, you should be able to just sit on the toilet and expel the semen and wipe. If they cum deeper, beyond your rectal valves, you shouldn't feel that need, and it will just come out with your next bowel movement. Either way, your shouldn't require any cleaning beyond a baby wipe.

What lubricant do you use? I highly recommend silicone lubricant, as many of the water based lubricants can cause the issue you describe, especially when used in the quantities you must be using to have receptive anal intercourse four times a day.

Try my suggestions and let us know.