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Question regarding good stretches / exercise to limber up

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 12:13 pm
by stevegates
Hey y'all! I've been doing solo anal since my teens and have always been generally overweight and stiff (flexibility-wise). lately I've been wanting to have longer sessions but I have found that I am quite frankly not physically fit enough in terms of flexibility. For example, when I rotate my body to have my hand holding a toy, I can only keep this stance for 30 seconds before my muscles tense up and I feel like I pulled a muscle.

I've tried researching good stretches for anal but most results are porn, and I haven't had any luck with 'stretches for sex' helping the flexibility.

I'm on the track of working out more and eating healthier but my body still feels as stiff as a board, so any help would be appreciated. If y'all have any youtube video suggestions or names of stretches / exercises I can look up, that would be fantastic.


Re: Question regarding good stretches / exercise to limber up

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 8:52 am
by AnalJay
I remember the stretches from the insanity workout being pretty full on. Also look up Les mills combat, that's fun and will get you limbered up and worked out. Hip hop abs is another by Shaun T (Insanity), that's fun and easier than the other two. Just keep at it and stop when you need to then get back in there.