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Psychology of sodomy for women

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:28 pm
by MightyRearRanger
I imagine it is hard being a woman. Besides the roles of wife/girlfriend, mother, grandmother, daughter, aunt et cetera, which women are expected to fulfill while being the anchor for a family, they must do it while looking pretty, smelling like a flower, and while always smiling. Women masterfully execute all these roles while carrying around an asshole. In a manner of thinking an anus is the antithesis of femininity: it is radially rather than bilaterally symmetrical, it is wrinkled rather than smooth, it has an earthy rather than a floral aroma.

To accept a lady's asshole is to accept all of her, including her deepest insecurities, faults, and fears. To accept a lady's asshole is to allow her to free herself of her own mind --- to just let go and enjoy the pleasant sensations brought forth by her body. To know that she doesn't have to always smile when your tongue, fingers, or cock is in her ass also sets her free in its own way. Furthermore, when a woman realizes that you adore her anus, not just any feminine anogenitalia but specifically hers, there is a certain sparkle that shows in her eyes. She knows that she, the deepest essence that is her, is truly accepted and appreciated.

Embracing what she has been socially conditioned to believe is her greatest physical fault and allowing it to be turned into her source of greatest sexual pleasure is so psychologically cathartic and fulfilling due to the relationship in a lady's mind between her self and her asshole. I think this, in concert with both the high degree of innervation in the feminine anal canal and rectum as well their adjacent location to posterior portions of the clitoris, is why the path to a woman's heart runs through her ass.

Has anyone else noticed or played on these components of sodomy with their woman?

Re: Psychology of sodomy for women

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:41 pm
by urabus
Wow! This is the most chauvinistic piece of writing I have seen in this forum. Most people here are open minded, fitting to the exploration of AO.

Re: Psychology of sodomy for women

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:27 pm
by amorous945
urabus wrote:Wow! This is the most chauvinistic piece of writing I have seen in this forum. Most people here are open minded, fitting to the exploration of AO.

I don't really understand the point you're trying to make here, urabus. I don't find anything close minded about this piece of writing at all, and any mention of anything resembling chauvinism has been clearly labeled as "social conditioning by the author. I find this piece of writing very intellectually stimulating, well written and insightful. There is nothing here that degrades, belittles or relegates women to any role whatsoever, in my opinion. It is merely an observation of how the results of certain social conditioning may effect certain attitudes in "some" women in regards to anal, and how this can actually be turned into something positive.

Re: Psychology of sodomy for women

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:14 am
by MightyRearRanger
Wow! This is the most chauvinistic piece of writing I have seen in this forum. Most people here are open minded, fitting to the exploration of AO.

I contend that this is quite the opposite. Rather than chauvinism, my words come from a place of respect and admiration for women. The points I made were all derived from conversations with my lovers over the years.

While I have observed a generational shift in women's attitudes about sodomy there are still some common themes to most women with whom I have interacted. The point of my post was to illustrate some of these motifs so others could use them for maximum pleasure of men and women alike.

Re: Psychology of sodomy for women

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:33 pm
by marcus
I don't regard the anus as being the antithesis of femininity, so it's entirely possible many women feel the same about their own. Or at least indifferent. And while it's true that the anus has it's own distinctive aroma, I'd not say it was any worse than the vagina. In fact, if anything I prefer it, and the vagina is by no means floral smelling. Interestingly, although it is designed to attract and arouse through it's scent, it has never done so for me. In truth, many women, in ignorance, only expect their own anuses to be unpleasant or unfeminine.

Most of all though, I wouldn't want my wife to think I only truly appreciate and accept her because I adore her anus! I think your whole premise is flawed because you are imagining women see their anuses as somehow distinct, or separate, almost as if its an issue of ownership.

Re: Psychology of sodomy for women

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:24 pm
by MightyRearRanger
I'm not claiming the vagina is floral scented. I'm stating the women's parfum tends to smell of flowers. An unclean (or smeared clean as the case is with toilet paper) anus is the antithesis of a beautiful, clean woman who smells reminiscent of flowers.

Perhaps women are conditioned differently where I hail but when they can drop the social pressure to be nice, smiling, likable, put together, smell good, never burp, and be perfect while wearing heels all the time--that is to say they can relax and be their self-- I've noticed they like it. When this is taken a step farther and includes their asshole I've noticed they appreciate it that much more. It is an acceptance of them that registers deep, at an almost unconscious and often pre/non-verbal level, in their mind. That is why it is so powerful

Although when I play on these motifs with women they work in my favor, I may be wrong.

Re: Psychology of sodomy for women

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:22 am
by marcus
I think I see what you're getting at now. You're saying that despite all the negative image the anus has the fact that men will nevertheless adore it makes them feel good about themselves? Well, in that case there may be something in that.

Re: Psychology of sodomy for women

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:04 pm
by MightyRearRanger
Basically, yes.

Re: Psychology of sodomy for women

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:50 am
by analonlylondonebony
I'm one that couldn't really appreciate the generalisations in this piece. Should a woman feel grateful for having her beauty and desire appreciated? If anyone is over-processing my identity and existence in that way, I'd find their company a bit partronizing, to be honest.

I don't find it hard to be a woman. All arseholes stink if not taken care of, male or female. I present my arse for sex with the same attention to hygiene as I would any other part of my body.

My arsehole is as beautiful as any other part of my body, to those that love anything to do with the arse.

I love anal sex. I love it so much that I don't care what anyone else has to say or think about it.

Re: Psychology of sodomy for women

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:03 pm
by Robert
analonlylondonebony wrote:I'm one that couldn't really appreciate the generalisations in this piece. Should a woman feel grateful for having her beauty and desire appreciated? If anyone is over-processing my identity and existence in that way, I'd find their company a bit partronizing, to be honest.

I don't think anyone meant to be patronising. I just think the some of the views expressed about women may be a little bit dated :lol: