Feeling proud

Tell about your own experiences with the anal only lifestyle.
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Feeling proud

Post by theanon1212 » Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:12 pm

Another week down and I'm not giving up yet!

This is all the weirdest thing, but I'm so far kind of proud I've done this. If I have to give up then at least I know I gave it a try.

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Re: Feeling proud

Post by Robert » Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:21 am

I don't think its weird at all. You have an open mind and I respect that. Most women wouldn't even try or understand what it means to their boyfriend. I think you're amazing to have tried this and come this far and have every right to be proud. Just don't give up on it after seeing it through this far.

We're all behind you! (excuse the pun) :D

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Re: Feeling proud

Post by theanon1212 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:33 pm

I'll admit it was my boyfriends idea. at first.
But once I decide on something I need to feel I believe in it enough otherwise it just won't work. I actually felt more pressure on me before when I had just learned about this and he put the idea to me. The actual doing is easier than it seemed. Not without problems but not as hard either. It wasn't even about the physical side really, but just getting my head around the concept and trying to figure out if it meant things were different or did he like me less/more than I thought.

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Re: Feeling proud

Post by marcus » Fri May 22, 2015 1:48 pm

I'd love to hear how the two of you are getting on.

You've obviously given this careful consideration and thought which is both unusual and commendable. Far too many women will summarily dismiss the whole thing as a possibility. Mind you, too much thinking it over can also get in the way - try and just let it happen and let it take it's course. Above all, enjoy yourself and have fun.

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Re: Feeling proud

Post by theanon1212 » Fri May 29, 2015 2:10 pm

marcus wrote:I'd love to hear how the two of you are getting on.

You've obviously given this careful consideration and thought which is both unusual and commendable. Far too many women will summarily dismiss the whole thing as a possibility. Mind you, too much thinking it over can also get in the way - try and just let it happen and let it take it's course. Above all, enjoy yourself and have fun.

Marcus we are still going strong. I've relaxed so much more since the beginning and any initial difficulties were probably down to my anxieties and lack of communication. And that goes both ways I'm sure. I feel like we have a better understanding between us now and sex is more about mutual pleasure than the frustration or edge we used to have.

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Re: Feeling proud

Post by taylork » Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:05 am

theanon1212 wrote:
marcus wrote:I'd love to hear how the two of you are getting on.

You've obviously given this careful consideration and thought which is both unusual and commendable. Far too many women will summarily dismiss the whole thing as a possibility. Mind you, too much thinking it over can also get in the way - try and just let it happen and let it take it's course. Above all, enjoy yourself and have fun.

Marcus we are still going strong. I've relaxed so much more since the beginning and any initial difficulties were probably down to my anxieties and lack of communication. And that goes both ways I'm sure. I feel like we have a better understanding between us now and sex is more about mutual pleasure than the frustration or edge we used to have.

We found the same thing and it made our relationship stronger beyond just the sex. Because anal is much more intimate and connected than vaginal you are more aware of the others needs and feelings. And we were more relaxed by both doing something we both like rather than something just one of us did. Also the best thing is that the more and longer you keep to anal only you'll see how things continue to improve and it changes your hole perception of sex.

You got good reason to be proud and i bet your boyfriend is incredibly proud of you and appreciates what you have done. Like Robert says there is nothing weird about this or anything to be ashamed of. It is something beautiful and natural and as you are starting to see will improve your lives.

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Re: Feeling proud

Post by theanon1212 » Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:23 am

taylork wrote: We found the same thing and it made our relationship stronger beyond just the sex. Because anal is much more intimate and connected than vaginal you are more aware of the others needs and feelings. And we were more relaxed by both doing something we both like rather than something just one of us did. Also the best thing is that the more and longer you keep to anal only you'll see how things continue to improve and it changes your hole perception of sex.

'Hole' ;)

Without a doubt we a stronger since making our commitment. Likewise your comment about the connectedness. I don't know if this has more to do with a mental side or simply that the change has given the old routine a kick, or the heightened senses or what. It's more raw but at the same time easier to lose yourself in the moment, which is almost a contradiction. I do like how much more I feel possessed and belonging to him than I ever used to, and I don't think that's just novelty but an integral part of the coupling. But I think you have to want it to actually feel it.

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Re: Feeling proud

Post by Canassman » Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:58 am

Any updates? Hoping all is still going well. I enjoy reading these success stories.

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