Sad misconceptions about anal sex

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Sad misconceptions about anal sex

Post by LuvMyWifesAss » Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:33 am

I ran across this Q & A today and thought how sad it is that there are still so many misconceptions about anal sex keeping people from experiencing the superior pleasure and intimacy anal sex provides: ... id=2489578

From the article:
My husband and I really enjoy anal sex... once we get going, it feels really good and makes me climax... My husband would have it all the time if I let him, but I try to keep it to once a month due to the fact that it takes a lot of time to warm me up and sometimes I’m just not into the initial pain involved. I’m also afraid that, if we do it too frequently, the long-term effects could be negative...

It's too bad she doesn't realize that practicing anal sex more frequently would allow her to build the muscle memory necessary to make anal sex more comfortable, thereby making it more pleasurable as well. She is actually denying her own pleasure because of a fear that comes from misinformation. Sadly, this means she is also denying her husband the thing he naturally desires most.

Unfortunately, her fear is not irrational, based on the information she's been probably been told. The internet is fraught with people espousing misinformation regarding anal sex: it will cause incontinence and you'll be in a diaper... you will get a disease (as though you would not have received the same disease through vaginal sex)... etc... etc...

This is why it's Important for forums like this to exist; to tell the truth about anal sex. As there is so little scientific information out there, it is important that those who actually practice frequent anal sex educate those seeking information. It is important for us to provide facts, based on our own experiences, not assumptions guided by prejudices. Only through the mainstreaming of this information can people come to realize that they can let themselves enjoy anal sex without hang-ups grounded in misinformation.

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Joined: Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:23 pm

Re: Sad misconceptions about anal sex

Post by rcdt » Wed Sep 14, 2016 8:47 pm

Oh mine i hear this a lot

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