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Our story

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:35 pm
by hornycpl
Hi all, long time viewer, first time poster. We wanted to tell you all our story.

My girlfriend and I had always done some anal. Maybe a third of the time we had sex involved anal. But we still enjoyed vaginal sex because that's what we'd grown up thinking as 'normal' sex. (Seems a weird thing to say now)

Then a bit over a year ago we came across the concept of anal-only on the internet and we spoke about it for a while. We decided we were going to try to do a year of anal only. We adjusted to it pretty quickly. We'd have sex about 3-4 times a week and always anal. It was really good. We definitely got better at it throughout the year. Quicker, less warmup needed. And she started having anal orgasms, which she'd never had before.

So a few weeks ago we finish our year of anal-only and we try to have vaginal sex again. We were in the middle of it, our first vaginal sex for a year, and it just wasn't feeling very good for me. It wasn't stimulating me in the way I liked. And I soon found out my girlfriend felt the same way. She said "This isn't very good, is it?". "No, not really" I replied. She smiled at me and asked "Do you want to stick it in my butt?". Hell yeah I did!

Suffice to say, we've gone back to being anal only now :) It's really done wonderful things for our sex life. I can't imagine us ever going back to vaginal sex. It just seems so boring and unsexy now.

Sorry for my english. Not my first language. Hope you can understand what I mean.

Re: Our story

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:35 am
by analsexonly
Hi, welcome and thanks for sharing your wonderful story!

I think it's interesting just how many people love and prefer anal but don't do it exclusively just because of a cultural mindset we (as a culture) have that vaginal is "normal" and so we have to keep doing it too, because…? We never seem to know exactly why, but it seems like we should, so we keep doing it. And then when we either think of or learn about anal only, those of us who really do prefer anal have almost a eureka! moment where everything just kind of clicks and it makes perfect sense.

I'm also not at all surprised to hear about your experiment with vaginal sex again after a year of anal only. It's not uncommon for people to want to try it again after a long period without it—I think most people who go AO at some point briefly try vaginal again, even if only to see what it's like again after so long without it. It's also not at all uncommon for those people to come away from it very disappointed with vaginal sex—after having something they much prefer for so long, it makes the less enjoyable vaginal even less enjoyable than it had seemed in the past—and therefore strengthen their resolve to be anal only into the future. After that experience, it's unlikely either of you will want to go back to vaginal in the future and you're both free to just happily enjoy anal only together. Congratulations!

Re: Our story

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:34 pm
by hornycpl
Thanks for your reply! I think you're very right about how we're brainwashed into thinking vaginal sex is normal. Anal can become normal too, and make vaginal sex seem very weird.
We think if more couples would just commit to trying anal only for a time period, they would realize that anal creates an amazing connection that vaginal sex doesn't have. And they'd find it very hard to go back once they've experienced the joys of regular anal.

I know some guys are on the same page as us. I was out with some male friends drinking and they were talking about anal sex. They don't know we're anal only. I mentioned to them that some straight couples only do anal. One of them said "If I found a girl who was into that, I'd marry her right away!". The other guys nodded in agreement. I didn't tell them our little secret. I just sat there and thought how very lucky I am :)

Re: Our story

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:48 am
by analsexonly
Indeed, I think anal is slowly becoming a lot more normalized in the minds of different people, and as it becomes seen less as a "weird" thing and more of another normal thing to do, just like the transformation oral sex went through some decades ago, there will also be a lot more people seeing the idea of anal only as normal, because all the different sex acts are normal and people can more freely choose those they prefer without being seen as weird.

And yes, a lot of people who try AO for a solid month or two—especially when it's sort of a mutual challenge everyone is on board with—find themselves loving it and wanting to continue, and often find they don't miss vaginal at all, which is often the reason people don't try it in the first place, thinking (without knowing) that they'd end up missing pussy and would want to go back. The reality is very much the opposite, and as you noted yourself, even when you do briefly go back to try out pussy again, it's often mutually disappointing.

I think there are a lot more men than many realize who dream of an anal only partner. A majority of men, in fact, would likely be totally on board with the idea. Not everyone—there are certainly many anti-anal men out there as well, and a number of AO women in different parts of the world where people are a little more sexually repressed have reported sometimes having difficulty finding partners who are willing to go AO with them—but a majority of anal-exposed men, for sure love the idea and are incredibly turned on by the idea of a woman who openly doesn't want vaginal and just wants anal.

Re: Our story

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:19 am
by hot1981
Wonderful news! And congratulations! Your story sounds very familiar with me & my wife. We've also experienced that anal sex feels just simply better than vaginal. Keep it up!