Why do you like anal sex?

Tell about your own experiences with the anal only lifestyle.
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Re: Why do you like anal sex?

Post by goofup21 » Wed May 05, 2021 1:06 am

Many reasons. There is a special pull towards doing it anally, as anal in my mind feels and excites more.

I think that could be because of the raunchiness of it. When I am having PiV with her, I feel romantic, there is a mixture of feelings, it's cozy and there is always a sweet pleasure.

Anal is something where it takes time, patience and intimacy to build up, and from there on there is no limit to the pleasure. So it feels more "earned".

And yes, there is always a good fuck in having vaginal sex, like when we're having sex, it feels warm. Feels like her vag is providing soft comfy hug to the dick.

When the dick is hard as metal, ain't no warm cushion can pleasure it. But the tightness of an ass can.

And fucking an ass has a dominance that it feels like taking control and "fucking". Not sure how to describe the word any better 😆

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Re: Why do you like anal sex?

Post by Cutebutton » Thu May 13, 2021 2:17 am

It’s very primal and taboo. I’m submissive so, I really like how vulnerable I feel when someone wants to fuck my ass. Also, to know that my partner is enjoying the tightness of my asshole brings me even more pleasure. Anal is more intimate, requires more communication and trust, so that brings partners closer together. At least for me but, I don’t have any sort casual sexual or intimate encounters. So my experience may be different from people who are more sexually open.

Limited use of my vagina keeps it tight so, I feel more “pure”. That’s a benefit of anal as well.

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Re: Why do you like anal sex?

Post by VirginBoy94 » Thu Aug 26, 2021 12:14 am

My motive is because i love the female pussy, i liks to preserve it untouched. The vaginal virginity turns me on. I like to save the pussy, to worship it, to kiss it and protect, and decide to penetrate only the girl's anus fulfill this fetish. Also, the anus its dirty, its forbidden, nasty... and makes the idea more subversive and naughty. For this all i love anal.

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Re: Why do you like anal sex?

Post by HetroMale 47 » Sat Aug 28, 2021 9:46 pm

Its easy for a woman to give vaginal sex. But its hard to give analsex. A man has to deserve it. It demands much more foreplay, much more contact, you have to know what you are doing. The woman has to trust you and give you absolute controll.

The best, the absolutly best - she has to surrender. When she knows whats going to happen.. there is no way out, she has to trust you, she has to surrender… get on her knees… well… That is 100% total love right there!

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Re: Why do you like anal sex?

Post by notnice66 » Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:15 pm

These last two - OMG! - wrong on SO many levels! The attitudes of some people are stuck in the Dark Ages...

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Re: Why do you like anal sex?

Post by slvcassm1990 » Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:44 am

I love it because of how nasty and submissive it makes me feel. My orgasms (when He allows me to have one) are always far stronger than through my pussy. I don't know if it's just a mental thing, but I honestly can't get enough of it.

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Re: Why do you like anal sex?

Post by AnalJay » Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:12 am

I'm the same, but from a straight male perspective; I love to feel my cock sinking into my sub wife's ass and that deep groan as I pass into her colon. And vice versa when I allow the occasional Switch and out comes the strap-on! :D

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Re: Why do you like anal sex?

Post by hasani2222 » Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:21 pm

So many reasons.... feeling my cock being gripped by her asslips, seeing the beautiful round hole swallow my cock, feeling the wetness deep inside. The fact that I'm literally inside her guts and she's letting me fuck her shithole to get me off, it's mentally stimulating to the point of orgasm just by itself. Going balls deep, hard and rough doggystyle is the best feeling as a man conquering a woman. It's one thing that I can never get tired of.

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Re: Why do you like anal sex?

Post by Foul » Sun Sep 26, 2021 9:50 am

Probably with my past experience that vagina has given me..... kind of a fear...

I originally kind a like anal, but after this happening, I feel like anal is more welcoming my cock a lot more than vagina.
Vagina may have reproductive function with some sperm, so I feel like I am not for it...
But Anal is for pleasure, satisfaction.... that I feel more right with the correct function..

Also, my cock already have pussy denial habit which no reaction to vagina at all, and I feel am really into AO...
I kind of feel like,,, proud of myself only loving anal, and anal is actual only choice for me.

It gives me strong feeling of,,,, I'm doing AOL which making higher QOL (Quality of Life).
Foul - Anal Only Lifestyle believer from Far East Asia
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Re: Why do you like anal sex?

Post by Json.s » Thu Oct 07, 2021 4:30 pm

Kinda funny how it all happened. I didnt really start off with a specific kink for anal but my first girlfriend did it and it was pretty hot. It felt like I lost my virginity for the second time based on how fast i came.

After that for a while i was solo and did one night stands and though I never pushed anal on them the ones who i knew for a fact were clean I ate their asses. I started noticing that every girl I was with seemed to love it. Either that or me licking their clit and fingering their ass. Like not once did any of those girls ever turn it down. Not only that when doing it they would get really wet and start cumming pretty quick.

Then I started dating another girl who I had flings with a couple times prior and early on becasue i knew she liked the ass play stuff, we tried anal. And holy shit when I tell you a flame was lit, I mean the house almost burnt down. She absolutely loved it and we were basically anal only from then on. I think it was then that i started developing an "anal only" kind of fetish.

After her I was with another girl who liked vaginal but always wanted me to cum in her ass in which she would also orgasm multiple times.

All in all I have thought about it and there is something just so primal and hot about a girl letting me take her from her ass. And since I am a pleaser, its even more so for me when I can make a girl cum from that place where it feels like we shouldn't be. Where it feels like some people think should hurt. The connection and vulnerability and the build up to a climax is intense and thats what anal has developed for me and that I personally like.

And now here I am on this forum talking about something I've kept pretty private with all of you who seem to in one way or another share my experience. It's funny too because now though I dont hate vaginal, it seems like most of the girls I get with seem to like at least SOME kind of ass play. Idk if I just attract those kind of people or if maybe I'm doing something that makes them feel more open to it or what but seems to be the case and im not mad about it.

I am curious and open to discussion about it though. If anyone has any questions for me feel free to DM me. Even saying this feels good since this isn't a conversation i get to have all of the time.

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