Truly AO men are hard to find

Tell about your own experiences with the anal only lifestyle.
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Re: Truly AO men are hard to find

Post by Metal266 » Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:29 am

Think you are right. I love anal so much and prefere it aspecislly if girl has thick ass and prepares for anal with enema. I like clean ass, that makes me crazi. Allso alows girl to play with my ass. But i like to at least eat pussy

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Re: Truly AO men are hard to find

Post by basedwsj13 » Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:09 am

I must say while the search AO partners is hard I managed to have my two longest term girlfriends become just that due to convenience, comfortability and religious reasons of my partners. Since then i've been addicted and been able to convert people to liking anal but like you said as just a bonus when truthfully its all I want as its the only that feels like a challenge and involves a great level of trust and communication. I'd deffo recommend the couger route however and convert someone for life and make him addicted to that sharp left turn

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Re: Truly AO men are hard to find

Post by notnice66 » Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:33 pm

Yeah Paige, AO men are hard to find. So many guys claim they are interested in anal but when it comes to it they might put their cock in your arse for a minute or so and then want/ex[ect/demand to go vaginal (got a nasty infection from that once). I have found it is of benefit to be upfront about it from the very start. When first meeting a guy, have 'the talk' in someplace public (cafe or bar) and judge his response carefully. Make sure he is crystal clear that things are going to be AO before you even kiss him. Also let him know that any PIV means things are over. Immediately. This isn't foolproof, but has saved me wasting endless hours with bull shitters. Guys are always gonna lie to you, but you may well find an odd keeper this way.

xx Alicia

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Re: Truly AO men are hard to find

Post by Backdoorlover » Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:44 pm

As a man, go me that’s so hard to grasp. Men who refuse to be anal only.

The second time I had sex with my girlfriend, she told me “you can anything you want with me”, while what she meant to say was “I want you to assfuck me now”. But she was afraid I wasn’t in for it, so she never used those words.

So from that point it took us 2 months to start anal and another 4 months to go anal only. Imagine the extra fun we would’ve had if she was upfront right away and asked to be assfucked. Or if I had been man enought to say I absolutely love anal sex.

Sometimes it doens’t go right at once, but we got there anyway and are fully enjoying the anal only lifestyle for over 2 years now. Best sex I’ve ever had and my orgasms in her ass keep amazing me.

Keep the faith, he’s out there.
Backdoorlover’s quote:

“Ass to mouth is the only right way to have sex”🔥

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Re: Truly AO men are hard to find

Post by Colt1911 » Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:43 am

@notnice66 hard to imagine a man who wouldn’t jump at the chance for an anal only woman, but I’m anal obsessed and far from objective on the subject.

I completely agree about being upfront during the dating process. I might avoid the anal only discussion and simply suggest the guy TRY anal. The anal only discussion can come later once he sees how much anal means to you.

I remember a conversation with my wife while we were driving and after a great session of anal shortly after we started anal sex. She told me we didn’t have to have anal sex all the time. I reminded her how she orgasms only during anal penetration. I asked her why she wouldn’t want anal only when she enjoys it so much. I was driving but glance at her to see a sheepish grin on her face. It was then I realized she only wants anal and was testing me to see if I felt the same way.

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Re: Truly AO men are hard to find

Post by NoVagAnal » Mon May 27, 2024 9:52 am

@paige AO is a nutch kink, so finding people who are into it is hard to find, but even within the community everyone has their own definition of AO. So finding the one that matches your own is even harder.

My wife was not into anal at all when we first dated. But now we are fully AO, no vaginal penetration, and I have even been going farther taking away most vaginal contact (it's the denial that does it for us).

So what you may find easier is finding someone who has potential, and bringing it out in them. Seems like the route you are trying to take.

How far do you want to go? Are you looking for complete vaginal abandonment, or are you just trying to have no vaginal penetration?

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Re: Truly AO men are hard to find

Post by joderla » Fri May 31, 2024 12:53 pm

It’s extremely hard to find any woman who loves anal or is even open about loving it. I would LOVE a girl who demands it regularly. Also no need for birth control so there’s that..

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Re: Truly AO men are hard to find

Post by AlwaysLovedAnal » Fri Jul 05, 2024 11:46 am

@Colt1911 Sorry for the slow response here. But boomers and the 70s, of course drug and alcohol would be involved. Maybe I was gifted or lucky, finding a girl [a chick by 70s lingo] who likewise loved anal. We were 18/19. She had already been pregnant and gave birth twice, at 15 and 17. Both times she had been sent to one of those places [institutions/schools?] for wayward girls. The first time she was forced to give up the child, the second time she kept him and moved across the country. During one of those births they did an episiotomy on her, cutting her vaginal opening larger. But didn't stitch her back up after the birth. I always thought it was a way to punish her for her evil ways of being a teen girl who enjoyed sex. When I knew her at 18/19, if we had vaginal sex my 7 1/2 dick would literally keep slipping out when humping. The girl did love fucking btw. She loved gang bangs :)
When I got up the nerve to suggest trying anal, she LOVED the idea. Looking back, it was my first assfucking experience, but I'm sure not hers. A dick could stay in when she fucked anally. When we both separately talked [bragged] to our mutual friends, the guys kept asking about getting my dick dirty and it being gross. And none of the girls showing any interest with me about them wanting to try it. It was 70s, pre-AIDS, and lots of switching partners.

I got married a few years later and wifie, hated anal sex after we tried it once! Thank goodness we finally divorced and I discovers gfs who loved anal as well. Now the 90s and gf and I were almost anal only. We were very active sexually. Fucking multiple times a day. Turned out the best was when she was having her period. After much messy period vaginal sex, we eventually switched to AO during her periods. We both loved it. We did it often with no enema prepping. So yeah, it would also get messy. But somehow this messy seemed kinky/sexy/hot, compared to the vaginal period mess. [Please, no judging, I'm not suggesting logic here, just hormones.]

My bad, I ended what was the best relationship of my life with the most amazing woman, who also happened to love anal sex. My anal sex life has been slim since than. Finding a AO woman is equally difficult to find. Somehow it seems awkward when meeting a woman, to say, "By the way, I really only want to fuck you in the ass. I love cumming down up in your bowels."

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Re: Truly AO men are hard to find

Post by AbbiTur05 » Sat Jul 06, 2024 8:51 am

I am very lucky to have a boyfriend who is also a big fan of anal so I have anal on tap. I'm also very lucky to have a few friends who are anal only and share my love for double anal which means I have 3 men to swap between my ass and mouth, satisfying me and their girlfriends!

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Re: Truly AO men are hard to find

Post by TelJ2003 » Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:43 am

Most men I know love anal sex but really don't have a clue what they are doing or need to do. For me AO = Anal Oral! My boyfriend would protest if I didn't take him in my mouth plus that will never happen because that's where I want him to finish! I'm sure they can be trained if needed! Learning what my boyfriend enjoys is great plus he learns what I want from him. We both enjoy anal so it works for both of us!!

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