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Progression to Anal Only

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:16 am
by urabus

I mentioned in a different thread about my plan for AO with my wife.

To recap; 8 days ago we enjoyed some anal play. We agreed that any vaginal sex would include her wearing a butt plug. I chose this approach to train her that any sexual activity will include anal so in time she will crave anal through association of pleaure. She enjoys anal anyway, but its something she has prefered to keep special and not the norm. Also, I'll mention that she has a low sex drive. 2 times per month is about average.

So, last night, a week on we went ahead. We were getting hot together and I reminded her that she better reach for the butt plug if she wants vaginal penetration. She went ahead against my reminder. Then not long into it I withdrew and told her its time to move ahead. So then it happend, I entered a finger in her rectum at her request. Then a second, deiberately opening her in prep for my cock. She orgasmed. Then I eased my cock in there and I finished in her.

I'm happy to say its moving ahead. Perhaps I will be more firmly against vaginal penetration next time. Perhaps it will only be a week away till the next session. If so, it rings true with what others are saying on this forum... Anal sex improves libido! :D

Re: Progression to AO

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:58 am
by marcus
It wasn't clear from what you wrote whether she ended up using the plug. Was she pretending to have forgotten the agreement to wear it for vaginal? She did agree, right?

I'd be careful not to press to firmly for anal as you don't want her to feel as if it's not her choice or you don't care about what she thinks. I thought her main concern was believing anal shouldn't be too frequent due to concerns about what it may do to her in the long term. If that's the case perhaps encourage her to use the plug even on days you don't have sex so that she gets the idea it isn't at all harmful. Just a thought.

Re: Progression to AO

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 4:43 am
by urabus

No, we didn't use the plug. There's a problem with the plug we have in that it didn't stay in place last time. So she was hesitant. She is not worried about anal sex sex having negative health effects anymore. :) I will make suggestions to wear the plug in addition to sex.

The encouraging thing is that as she was on top of me, I was teasing her not allowing her much penetration at all. I said to her a number of times to get off my cock and that I didn't want it in there and that I didn't like it. Kinda role playing. It drove her wind that I was saying I didn't want her pussy. I'm not sure how much of a good thing that is... :roll:

Re: Progression to AO

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 2:46 pm
by urabus
Less than a week on from the last time we had sex, we enjoyed anal again. Continuing with the mutual agreement that any vaginal penetration can only occur with anal penetration at the same time, with the use of a butt plug.

Without going into detail, vaginal penetration didnt last long before I entered her ass. We definitely enjoyed more time ass fucking than vaginal.

There was no delay in answering 'yes' when I reminded her we should have the plug in her ass. The only deliberation was about which plug to use. She was lying on her front, I eased my cock into her vagina. Slow thrusts for a short time before movin to doggy position. She asked me to play with the plug so of course I did. At this time I stoped moving my cock in her and held it in slightly. She wqs enjoying being fucked by the plug, really enjoying it! She has one of those soft wave orgasms.

I suggested that its time my cock takes its place in her ass and she was quick to respond. What follwed was great. What I wispered to her, even better her responses, was deep and truthful. I've read a number of other people mentioning on this forum about the deeper emotional connections they get with their partners and I'm feeling more of this as we partake in anal more often. Happy days.

This makes three times this month. Its happening once a week which is more than usual. At this point it seems like her sex drive has increased two fold and I attribe it to anal sex.

Re: Progression to AO

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 1:23 pm
by marcus
I enjoyed your update urabus. By the sounds of it the two of you are making very good and quick progress. And she's clearly loving all the anal stimulation. Perhaps she'll see that anal doesn't have to be kept as something "special" and not the norm. I've never understood why people would limit something better on the grounds of keeping it "special" - unless those words are just a cover.

For some I guess it is just feelings of shame or embarrassment about admitting to preferring or liking anal. Women aren't "supposed" you know! This was definitely something my wife took time to get over.

I'm glad you also feel the emotional ties being stronger. I often think people will just say "oh that's just wishful thinking" but it is so true - and for both of us.

Re: Progression to AO

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 2:16 am
by urabus
Hi Marcus,

I agree with your reference to 'special'. I appreciate everyone's support and advice in this.

Again last night we did it, although not the same as the other times. But nonetheless there was anal play while my cock was in her vagina. I'm really impressed by how responsive she is. The things I asked her... "sex is better when something is in your ass, isn't it?" "Yes", she said. I told her she seems to really be taking control of her sex and understanding her body better. She totally agreed.

After another couple of weeks pass, I'll proposing no vaginal penetration about half the time. Maybe for a period of two months. I want this to be a good transition. Although at this point I'm not sure we'll go AO forever, but at least in the short-medium term the plan is still for any vaginal penetration to always include complimentary anal. I think from July onwards I'll be proposing a month of AO and roll from there.

Re: Progression to AO

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 8:13 am
by Marquis
Complimentary anal has a nice ring to it.

"Would you like a blowjob? It comes with complimentary anal."

"Yes please!"

Re: Progression to AO

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 4:48 pm
by taylork
Well done urabus i'm really excited for you and your wife. Its great that she says how good it feels took my gf a while to get there. Don't forget to keep telling her how much better anal is for you and how much it all means to you. You gotta support her so she feels she's doing the right thing.
But you are doing the right things and going AO for a month will make a difference you'll see. And don't worry i think you can go AO forever.

Good luck.

Re: Progression to AO

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 4:23 pm
by marcus
urabus wrote:Hi Marcus,
But nonetheless there was anal play while my cock was in her vagina. I'm really impressed by how responsive she is. The things I asked her... "sex is better when something is in your ass, isn't it?" "Yes", she said. I told her she seems to really be taking control of her sex and understanding her body better. She totally agreed.

It is definitely worthwhile, even if this never leads to AO, that you're spending this time helping her get in touch with the feelings possible through anal play. Bizarrely it's often not even listed as a woman's erogenous zone, yet as everyone here knows is perhaps more capable of enhancing sexual pleasure than just about any other part. So however this ends up I feel you'll both come out of this better than you were.

Re: Progression to AO

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 10:18 pm
by urabus

Yeah. It really helps. We dont usually talk about sex outside of the bedroom as she is fairly conservative. Prior to this crusade any mention of anal play was associated with kink. She saw it as a kinky thing that made her feel abnormal. Sometimes it turned her on but she fought it and tried to dispell any idea that she actually is kinky. It may be related to her upbringing and cultural differences (she is Japanese).

During this anal crusade she has become more accepting of it. So, slowly her mindset is changing for the better.