
Discussions about the Anal Only Lifestyle forum and blog themselves and their management rather than the subject matter therein.
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Post by Jennalove6789 » Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:30 pm

Hello, I’ve noticed that this site is majority populated by men. But as a woman the experience I have with anal only is drastically different than for a guy. Has this page always been mostly guys active?

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Re: Demographics

Post by Backdoorlover » Sun Nov 20, 2022 8:49 pm

Sadly yes. There are women who post regulary though. So please do so yourself 😉
Backdoorlover’s quote:

“Ass to mouth is the only right way to have sex”🔥

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Re: Demographics

Post by FarmerDan » Sun Nov 20, 2022 9:19 pm

Hi Dani, and welcome - I'm a big fan of your work in other places.

There's no doubt that men are greatly in the majority here (and in every other place where anal sex is discussed). It will be interesting to see why other people think that is the case.

There are no limitations on gender or sexuality around here so please enjoy our little community.

My 2c worth: While surveys show that as many as half of sexually active women are interested in at least trying anal sex, the majority of those are turned off at their first attempt by unthinking / uncaring partners. You'll find that most of the success stories around here got started by taking lots of time, in some cases years, and having great levels of communication.

Of course it doesn't help that porn - where most people first learn about anal sex these days - skips the mental and physical preparation that's required for success.

I also think that women are far less likely to focus on one aspect of their sexual / romantic relationship. Thanks for being different :D
It's a lifestyle folks not a 2 minute sprint

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Re: Demographics

Post by Greekway » Mon Nov 21, 2022 4:29 pm

Yeah unfortunately it’s largely men, some women do post but a lot of them tend to disappear or not use it again, or come and go over time

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Re: Demographics

Post by Rimmer » Tue Nov 22, 2022 1:45 am

Ya, my wife knows I am on anal/sex forums to get inspiration and to give and receive advice, but she is not interested in these sorts of forums herself. Though she keeps trying to guess my username and what my password might be. She'd cause havoc if she hijacked my account :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Demographics

Post by AnalEngineer » Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:00 pm

No choice but to perform necromancy on this thread. Men by their nature are the hunters so they will be the ones primarily active on these types of boards.
DMs welcome

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