Unexpectedly I found you!!

New to the forum? Introduce yourself to the other members of the community. Share a little bit about yourself and your anal only experience and motivations.
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Unexpectedly I found you!!

Post by Haunter » Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:54 pm

Hi there everyone,

Since this is the proper section, I'll introduce myself telling you my story and maybe adding some reflections. I hope not to be too long nor boring. Otherwise, I ask you pardon in advance :-) Any comment, question or suggestion is of course welcomed.

I am a 24 years old man, I live in Italy. The very first time I considered the idea of etherosexual anal sex occurred when I was 12, I guess, listening to schoolmates' speeches. Back then, the idea sounded very weird to me, but further on I slowly became more and more attracted to it. I was 15 when I started watching porn online and very soon I confirmed to myself that, even if ok I am physically attracted to women, excluding extremely rare occasions vagina didn't get my attention at all (or maybe I actively dislike it a bit). Instead the idea of anal sex excited me to a remarkable extent. I really don't know why it is so, it's just a natural feeling to me! Since then, I never changed my taste. An important fact to notice might be that I am still a virgin.

Here I must open a bracket... If fact three are the main reasons for it:
1)I used to be (and am still much) very shy.
2)My aesthetically tastes are very tough to meet (and things get slightly worse when I specify that even for me foreseeing a judjment or expressing aesthetical preferences in advance is hard stuff: each case is to be considered on its own in the end). I was asked sometimes by girls or women, but I always declined.
3)I used to be a Catholic, so I used to be looking for a relationship supposed to last as much as possible, possibily forever. Now I've changed my point of view at the root. In fact now in my opinion love should be a network of bounds between two people each, without any constraint and where Jealously is completely to be abolished, in fact I think it is completely nonsense: if my partner is willing to couple with another man or woman she likes, then the only feeling filling me should be happiness for her, and nothing else. Freedom and sincerity would be fundamental values as well.

Back to us: I never confessed my sexual preferences for exclusive anal sex (as opposed to vaginal) to anyone, except once, quite recently, when I told a friend I supposed was a close one (wrong extimation, unfortunately). He replied that the word "exclusive" seemed very strange to his ears, and stared at me as if I was a pervert. I have never been ashamed of my feelings, a fortiori because I learned that the world is various, so everyone's taste is to be respected. Anyway that day I understood things would have been ever harder than I thought they would be. Since then I tried finding information on the internet, to check if my situation was shared by anyone or just atypical. Until today, I found nothing, so I got more confused and more sad. I also sent a question to a website of "expert answerers" but they just told me more or less 10% of women enjoyed anal sex, and "only anal" was something strange. They advised me to try vaginal intercourse before running to conclusions. I agree, they might be right, but I am likely not to change my mind, I think. Don't know how, but I came across you!!! The first two things I've found very surprisingly are the good organization of this forum and the caring I see in joining the discussion and participating by the members. It's like having discovered a lush island in the middle of the ocean. I think I have many things to learn, but feel very happy, on the sand of this unexpected island.

I would like to start with a few questions (maybe I'll repeat them in a stand-alone post...)

1)Why, if you exist and therefore prove anal-only-lifestyle is a possible choice, anal-only-dating sites seem to be missing? At least to me, it's already astonishingly difficult to find interesting women (as regards character) combined with appealing aspect. If one is supposed to add the condition of sharing the anal-only preference, the issue borders on the impossible... I add here that (even if I'm still a virgin, as I said) I'm sure I simply would Not feel excited if my partner is not liking anal as much as I do. On the contrary, if a woman were willing to have anal-only, then I would overflow with joy and excitement.

2)How the mainstream society look at those like us anal-only-oriented?

3)For the forum creator: why did you build this? Are you just an anal-only-enthusiast as we are and willing to share your passion with others and to offer others the same opportunity?

Enough for now :-)

PS: Some hours ago I treid sending my presentation but... the website claimed time was expired, so I fully lost the (long) message I had just composed!!! Is there any way not to make this happen again in the future, different than saving a copy of any post I'm going to send before really sending it? Thank you

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Re: Unexpectedly I found you!!

Post by MissChief » Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:03 pm

Hi and welcome to the community! :D I'm excited you're contributing so much and have a lot to share.

I think a lot of people can relate about insecurities or feeling awkward talking about their sexual interests, because there may always be someone who will think you're deviant or decadent. People ask this forum and some of the AO blogs out there a lot about how to bring up their desire to be AO with their partner. But what's important is we're honest with ourselves and with our partners. Perhaps you will find that you do like vaginal sex more than you thought and don't think anal sex is so great once you try them both, and that's totally fine! Anal only isn't for everyone and neither is vaginal sex.

I don't know why anal only dating sites don't exist but I personally have a lot of reservations about dating sites catering to sexual interests. Some of that is from my personal experiences, but also my own beliefs about what a healthy starting point for a relationship, and introduction to somebody, should be like. (I mentioned this in a separate thread.)

I'm not sure how mainstream society would look at our community. I know some AO themed blogs out there do get silly complaints about how AO is degrading and it can't possibly be pleasurable for the recipient. Some people say anyone who would only want anal sex has been watching too much porn, or that anal sex is just disgusting. I figure it's a matter of time before somebody discovers our little community and turns it into some article on Buzzfeed or Vice, and we get to hear more of these unsolicited opinions from mainstream society whose opinions I don't really care about anyway.

Anyway, I'm glad you're here!

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Re: Unexpectedly I found you!!

Post by Haunter » Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:49 pm

scioness wrote:Hi and welcome to the community! :D I'm excited you're contributing so much and have a lot to share.

[. . . . . .]

Anyway, I'm glad you're here!

Thank you kind scioness, I guess my very long starting post scared the most not to answer back! :lol:

Well, I think it's my duty to share things and ideas if I have some ones to... It's also enjoyable in first place by the way. But most of all, I hope to inspire readers to be active themselves as much I am or even more, giving a sparkle of life to this highly potential forum. Come on and play together folks!!!
Last edited by Haunter on Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unexpectedly I found you!!

Post by MissChief » Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:01 pm

Haha, you're welcome! People can be intimidated by long posts I guess.

There really are a lot of nice and likeminded people here, so I'm glad you found us and feel compelled to share your experiences and interests.

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