Anal-Only Gay Women?

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Anal-Only Gay Women?

Post by mymorningstretch » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:54 am


As the subject alludes to, I'm a 32 y/o gay woman living in the mid-Atlantic US. I'm very short, full-figured/chubby, a mix between cute/awkwardly girly/introverted/dorky. I have a sweet-natured, deferential personality and tend to get the vibe that most think of me as their "little sister." I've been infatuated with anal play since a pretty young age. Total latch-key kid and an on my own a lot, playing with myself anally was at first just a natural means of exploring curiosity and dealing with boredom. Something happened inside, though, those first few times and I just knew deep down that this was something very special. I've always been a worrier underneath my quiet exterior and playing with myself anally has long been my go-to for letting off some of the pressure of being anxious. It's also the most intensely pleasurable thing I've explored sexually. It's not just for anxiety relief :lol: , it's just hot as fuck. Anal for me is very sensual and intimate, but I also find it stirs up all sorts of primal things way deep inside.

Finding other girls/women into it? Now that's a challenge! On my own, I have been "anal-only" for over ten years. In dating, flings, etc, it's a bit more complicated and anything more than just your "vanilla" butt play is a hard subject for me to bring up given my relative shyness. I'm also worried about how I'll be perceived by someone I like as they come to understand just how totally fucking other-wordly my obsession is with anal. I have done a lot of dabbling with D/s and BDSM play as I can lean pretty submissive. Fortunately, there are some Toppy/Dominant women more than willing to really put a little subby butt slut like me through her paces. Ultimately, though, those experiences only scratch certain itches and I long on many levels to have a passionate, loving, kinky-as-fuck back and forth with another girl that's also looking for crazy, hot anal games all the time.

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Re: Anal-Only Gay Women?

Post by Munchkin86 » Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:50 pm

They are hard to find that’s for sure! Keep looking! :D

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Re: Anal-Only Gay Women?

Post by FarmerDan » Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:08 pm

Only you will know whether this would work for you but I (an older male) had a very satisfactory, kinky-as-fuck, anal only, discreet thing going with a gay woman for quite a while.
Her gay-ness removed the usual romantic undertones and ensured that things were pretty uninhibited. It added a bit of spice for her to think that her usual social circles would disapprove of our goings-on if they knew about then.
Feel free to PM if the details are of interest ;-)
It's a lifestyle folks not a 2 minute sprint

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Re: Anal-Only Gay Women?

Post by daftdrafter » Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:09 pm

If it is of any solace to you it is the same with hetero anal relationships too. Finding that perfect partner is a slog sometimes. Bringing it up? That is tough too. I have to get better at accepting that some girls will just walk out and never speak to me again. I reckon 90% of girls that will do anal know they will do anal (as you do). That 10%? Sure, fun but is it worth the other 50% of the market that just gets offended and makes a stand?

I understand your anxiety but wonder whether we should just be a little more direct :)

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