Catholic Guilt

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Catholic Guilt

Post by AmyCurious » Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:25 am

I honestly am super nervous opening up about this. This is something I’ve been privately struggling with for a while now.
It doesn’t help that I’m a devout Catholic 🤦🏼‍♀️ Since these thoughts/feelings started, I’ve tried so hard to just ignore them, and pray they would magically go away. As you can probably tell, they didn’t..
Anyway, I finally got the courage to join..but I’m taking things one step at a time.
Please understand, I’m not looking to hook up or whatever. I’m honestly just trying to learn more, and understand if this is even for me or not. For a long time I thought I was alone with these feelings, which didn’t help the guilt obviously..
I really hope to meet some nice, understanding people who can answer my silly questions and not judge me ❤️ Amy

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Re: Catholic Guilt

Post by Backdoorlover » Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:30 am

I can tell you right now that no one will judge you.

But please don’t let your religion dedicate what you can or can’t feel. Anal sex has been part of human intercourse for many centuries. The catholic church tried their best to put in the sinfull corner, but then any form of sex that doesn’t involve reproduction is considered sin according to their true word. So 90% of adults constantly live in sin. And meanwhile enjoy life.

So ask what you want to ask, but be prepaired for open minded aswers cause I, for one, don’t believe in any god.
Backdoorlover’s quote:

“Ass to mouth is the only right way to have sex”🔥

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Re: Catholic Guilt

Post by Colt1911 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:59 am

AmyCurious wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:25 am
I honestly am super nervous opening up about this. This is something I’ve been privately struggling with for a while now.
It doesn’t help that I’m a devout Catholic

You won’t be judged here. My wife is Catholic but enjoys anal sex without guilt. Ironically, anal sex is very common in many religious cultures because vaginal virginity before marriage is so strongly condemned. I joke with my wife that Catholics are made to feel guilty about things that bring people pleasure.

I’d also like to give you a reason why anal sex might be better for a young adult like you… there are many side effects associated with pharmaceutical birth control. My wife took birth control medication for decades. We believe it negatively impacted her libido. Obviously, anal sex eliminates the need for birth control, until a woman decides she wants a family. You’ll see that mentioned many times on this forum.

The most important things to consider include:

1. Satisfy your curiosity to learn more about anal sex. We are all willing to help you do that.

2. Don’t feel guilty about your feelings. I’m in my 60’s but had curiosity about anal sex as a young teen.

3. Explore your anal interests slowly. You need to understand how it feels and very gradually increase the size of toys until you get to know your own body better.

4. If you have a partner, TELL THEM to take it slow. As the anal receiver YOU are the gatekeeper and dictate the anal experience.

I will tell you from personal experience anal is a journey not to be taken lightly or quickly. I will also tell you it’s a wonderful journey, at least it’s been that way for us. Anal sex has improved our sex life in a most positive way, and we’ve been together for 43 years and married (in a Catholic church!) for 41 years.

We’re your “friends” here and more than happy to help you along the way. I encourage you to pursue your curiosity as I don’t believe you’ll be disappointed. Welcome!

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Re: Catholic Guilt

Post by Colt1911 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:33 am

And I also failed to mention… many women (and men) experience powerful anal orgasms during penetration. For many women, including my wife, the anal orgasms are why anal sex is preferred when compared to vaginal penetration and/or clitoral orgasms. There’s no “crash” after an anal orgasm which allows penetration to continue with additional anal orgasms. There literally is a pot of gold at the end of the “anal rainbow”.

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Re: Catholic Guilt

Post by AmyCurious » Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:50 am

I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write back, and try to reassure me ❤️
Did your wife know, or think about this before you met her?
For me, I think what makes it even more difficult than many, is the fact I’m a devout Catholic in real life. I come from a loving family. I have had a great upbringing. I’m active in the church, and youth groups. This is embarrassing, but, I was not the kind of girl to think about sex, certainly anything like this! Then one day I accidentally click on the wrong link doing research for a school project..and I see something that like shocks me sooo much, I can’t like understand what I’m seeing at first!
Then I quickly closed it and tried to forget about it, but like I said, the thoughts wouldn’t stop 🤦🏼‍♀️
And, it wasn’t like two people having sex, it was just of one girl with like unbelievably huge toys in her bottom..
It’s nice to know I’m not alone with all of this..but I don’t know if I’m brave enough to actually do’s frustrating

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Re: Catholic Guilt

Post by Colt1911 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:15 am

I don’t believe my wife considered anal sex as a younger woman. She went to Catholic grade school and has been a devout Catholic her entire life. I don’t believe a loving God will punish us for engaging in activities that harm no one. Moderation is key, and when any activity leads to obsessive behavior and addiction, it becomes a problem. Anal sex is no different.

Years ago, Catholic doctrine instructed sex between two married persons should be for procreation purposes only. If the reason a couple had sex wasn’t specifically to produce a pregnancy, it was strongly discouraged. Unfortunately, this is not consistent with human behavior.

I believe you can be a good Catholic and true to God while still enjoying the pleasures of sex. Some people enjoy the feeling and challenge of inserting large objects in their rear. Many people also enjoy anal play and penetration without large toys and objects. The choice is yours and it should always be without shame. I’m not a religious counselor, but I will tell you it is your body and you should be able to explore all it has to offer and WITHOUT GUILT! A compassionate God would never shun us for exploring all our bodies have to offer.

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Re: Catholic Guilt

Post by Ozzy » Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:53 pm

Hello Amy! I'm in the same boat as you. I used to be a catholic. It's hard, very hard when you're a catholic and have strong anal sex preferences. I feel you.

If I can give you an advice, try to easy your catholic beliefs or look for a more liberal religion. My religious guru now is 18th century scientist and seer Emanuel Swedenborg, he's very christian yet a mystic christian and talks about spiritual meanings and correspondences in the bible, and he talks about heaven and hell (without reincarnation, which is a belief in my opinion very problematic). It has at the same time fulfiled my spiritual needs and let me live my life without all that guilt and shame which is so well known for catholics.

Swedenborg talks about angels and demons, and how each one of us becomes either an angel or a demon after death, depending on how we lived our life and what kind of person we are. It doesn't deny romantic love, marriage or even sexual intercourse for spirit people. All of this is pure and sanctified in heaven according to Swedenborg. He's a man of no prejudice, he didn't condemn homossexuals, wasn't racist (had great things to say about Africans) and very humanistic. His work was listed by Unesco as a World Heritage Site. Take a look at the youtube channel called off the left eye for more on the teachings of this great man, or take a look at Swedenborg Foundation (google it).

I myself have already had experiences with angels and demons, which is something that also made me see the truth in Swedenborg. The Catholic religion puts too much pressure on it's followers, it's no good. And lots of these so called catholic "saints" were not good people at all. My honest opinion. Regards.

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Re: Catholic Guilt

Post by Rimmer » Tue Mar 14, 2023 2:10 am

@AmyCurious My wife and I are both believers, we have no beef with any particular church, but came out of the denominations as the more we really read the bible, the more we saw how controlling and hypocritical the organisations behind the churches are, Catholic, Anglican etc. We have found a lot of people like this who, who we now have fellowship with, some still go to an organised church as well as meet from house to house, others just meet each week house to house. any how enough of that.
We are a monogamous, married couple who like to have anal sex. I must be like you, at about 14 I saw, accidentally, some one having what appeared to be anal sex and I could not forget seeing it and how it turned me on. My wife, girlfriend at the time, from a Christian family, knew I liked anal sex, but was dead against it. There must be versions of this story dotted around this forum, so I'll leave you to find them if you like; anyway, now she likes it and for a time we went AO, now a days we do whatever we feel like and we could go AO for a time for fun if we wanted.
I have wondered if it is a 'sin' but I don't think it is. Not getting into the gay argument, which I am also am not convinced of, we do have a line, (my understanding is that it is to do with Levitical priests not swapping their usual sexuality in order to worship Moloch, when they are supposed to be dedicated to serving at God's altar, remember Balaam tricked the Israelites into sleeping with the pagan women and worshiping their gods with sexual orgies including swapping their usual sexual orientation and not to do with general sexuality, or so it appears to me) The line is Leviticus 20:13 You shall not lay with a male as you lay with a woman; well for that to work man would need to have anal sex with women otherwise a man could not lay with a man as he lays with a woman, unless the man had had gender reassignment surgery and I don't think they had that back in the days of the Levites. So, normally, you can't have vaginal sex with another man, so , again, to reiterate, it would have to be permitted to have anal sex with women in order for a Levite to not be permitted to lay with a man in the same way. I have said it before that the first time Adam gave Eve a back rub I think he would have wanted to see if he could take her anally - and we are told that there was no sin at that point, so they wouldn't have been sinning if they had anal sex. I also looked into it on the Jewish forums, I guess it will maybe vary depending where you look, but I kept getting that the rabbis say you can have anal sex, but not exclusively anal sex, so they wouldn't like the AO idea I guess, but then this is down to giving life a chance. If one was to have vaginal sex but always use contraception, it would amount to the same thing (I guess why Catholics don't approve contraception). But using contraception just gives money to big Pharma and gets you to put drugs into your body to stop it working properly. Or put a barrier of latex between you and your lover. If you don't trust them enough to be disease free, maybe one shouldn't be sleeping with them in the first place. Cumming into a rubber bag and flushing your seed down the drain seems much more of an insult to God than allowing it to pass into your lover and exchanging body fluids with them. Sure, you may go to the loo at some point after, but at least you have had the exchange of fluid - you will read threads here about the absorption of cum being good for you, your sex drive and your mood - anecdotal I guess, but I would tend to agree with the observation. This is my current take on it, I may be wrong, so check it out and make your own decision, I don't want to be responsible for talking you into something that is a sin, but I don't think anal sex is. I have seen so many opinionated people at church, saying this is wrong and that is right only to find them fall away or their own secret sin come to the surface. Ask God to speak to you on the matter, but if He leaves you to make up your own mind, then do so. But don't let guilt separate you from your salvation, this is from the enemy. Go to God and be open to Him about any guilt you feel, let him know who you are and see how he responds. He might leave you to it, he may tell you to stop, he may comfort you or show you something in his word that says he is ok with you, don't let the human organisation pile any guilt on you though

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Re: Catholic Guilt

Post by pygophile » Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:47 am

I wish I could relinquish you of your guilt @AmyCurious and you could fully enjoy your curiosity and discover what fulfills you most

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Re: Catholic Guilt

Post by Aretino » Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:23 am

Hey welcome to this community I think you’ll find that people here are very supportive and welcoming. I for one completely understand how you might be feeling, I’ve been through this too, but please don’t be embarrassed it’s perfectly normal and natural. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask at all :)

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