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26, Male, Brighton UK

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:23 pm
by Faded
Hi everyone

I've guested this site more often than I really should have so I've finally decided to do the right thing and make a proper appearance.

I'm quite the introvert with a passion for all things anal. I've been obsessed with the female arse since my late single digits and I've never once lusted after vaginal sex. So much is my love for anal that I actually find vaginas a stone cold turn off despite being straight; which makes any potential vanilla relationships pretty bloody pointless to be honest. I have been AO my entire life but have never found (so far) someone to share it with.

I'm here to share my experiences, hopefully make some like minded friends and generally chat about the perfect thing......anal!

Best wishes


Re: 26, Male, Brighton UK

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:35 pm
by analsexonly
Welcome to the community, Faded! I think you'll find others here, myself included, who had a similarly early understanding of their anal preference and general disinterest in vaginal. Myself, I didn't go straight to anal only, but was more interested in it before even trying either, and after trying both, knew anal was what I preferred.

Good luck finding a like-minded partner! I can assure you that women who want the same are out there, and the number interested in it keeps growing.

Re: 26, Male, Brighton UK

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:53 pm
by Faded
analsexonly wrote:Welcome to the community, Faded! I think you'll find others here, myself included, who had a similarly early understanding of their anal preference and general disinterest in vaginal. Myself, I didn't go straight to anal only, but was more interested in it before even trying either, and after trying both, knew anal was what I preferred.

Good luck finding a like-minded partner! I can assure you that women who want the same are out there, and the number interested in it keeps growing.

Thanks for the welcome man! I've wanted to join for a while and I honestly think what you have done to build a community for AO people is an amazing achievement.

Long may it continue!