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New to the site

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:07 pm
by CherryCooper00
Part of me is still a little conflicted posting here, but i suppose i have to start somewhere. My name is Cherry. Im 19 years old, i have an identical twin sister, and i suffer from MRKH. Don't worry about what that is if you've never heard of it, i never did until i was 16 and i still wish i had never had to learn what it is. Unfortunately, its a large part of why i find myself here. MRKH is a condition where some organs in my reproductive system didn't develop while i was still in the womb. It wasn't discovered until i was 16 and my mom took me to a doctor after i had turned 16 and still had not gotten my period. Two weeks, three sonograms, and a specialist later and i learned that i was born without 1 kidney, a womb, and the majority of my vagina. I've never had a period and never will. Barring any still experimental procedures, i will never be able to be pregnant. It also means that i'm not capable of regular penis in vagina sex. For a long time, i had planned on just saving up money to have corrective surgery, but recently i've been having doubts about wanting to go that far into debt just to give myself a fake vagina. My situation has cost me relationships from guys who didn't understand, and caused me to question a lot of things about myself. I'm still a virgin. Blame it on my religious upbringing, i suppose. I don't even know if its possible for me to even lose my virginity. I know this has been a bit of a rambling rant, and i apologize for it. Im just not used to adressing the subject of sex. Ever since i was diagnosed, it was just something i always tried to avoid. Graduated high school a year early, started college, just tried to throw myself into school work and my degree path... but... i want to have what i see other girls having. Intimate relationships with guys. I just feel like an imitation sometimes because i'm not built like other women. Anal sex is quite likely the only form of penetrative sex i will ever get to have, and there is a huge part of my upbringing that screams in my head that its wrong and immoral and sinful...

So... there's my rambling introduction.

Re: New to the site

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:26 pm
by throwawaymedfree
Hey, welcome to the site. I am sorry about the struggle you're having. You may not have a normal vagina but that doesn't mean intimacy and love is out of reach. On the other hand, you aren't missing out on much when it comes to periods. I wouldn't try to get corrective surgery because you can live a fulfilling life without spending all that time and money into it.

Fortunately for us, anal sex is very pleasurable and the anus has a lot of nerve endings that can be stimulated. Also, you can go deeper with anal, which isn't always the case with the vagina depending on the woman. You are definitely somebody's dream girl (and by somebody I mean a lot of guys).

Re: New to the site

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 5:36 am
by analsexonly
Hello, @CherryCooper00, welcome to the community!

There have been some other women here with MRKH and similar conditions that made vaginal sex impossible, painful, or uncomfortable for them and resulted in them discovering anal sex and the anal only lifestyle instead, so you're definitely not alone in that regard.

Furthermore, many people around these parts agree that anal sex is far better and more fun than vaginal sex anyway, so you aren't really missing out on much, even though I know that not having the choice at all can feel unfair and like you are missing out. There's a slowly growing trend among younger women to skip vaginal and go straight to anal only, so if if helps you, you could think of yourself in that way.

I can agree with what @throwawaymedfree says, that to a lot of guys (myself included), a girl who can't even physically have vaginal sex and is purely anal only would be a dream girl to them. I don't say that to try to fetishize your condition, but to illustrate that you can own it and feel sexy about yourself as you are.

Finally, you're definitely a feminine woman. Vaginas do not make women women. You're more than a vagina, you're a human person, and nothing changes that. And try to work to overcome any stigmas you may have about anal, they're unfortunately common for a lot of people to have, but they aren't rooted in any sort of reality. Anal, when done right, is pleasure and bliss and intimacy all rolled into one, and there's never anything wrong with that.

Have you started to do any exploration of anal stimulation or penetration on your own? I'd suggest reading through our Guide to get started.

Re: New to the site

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 9:18 am
by luv2play45
Hi Cherry,

Wow, I'm sorry for your condition but all is not a loss.
It sounds like you need a kind, understanding and patient man to take your anal "Cherry" (excuse me if I sound glib).

I have had a number of relationships where once anal sex was introduced into the mix it quickly became the preferred sexual act.
There are many women capable of vaginal sex who would rather engage in anal.

My wife and I have been anal only (her choice but mine too) for 25 years.
Vaginal sex isn't all it's cracked up to be.
My wife was very prone to ending up with a UTI after vaginal sex.
She was never able to orgasm from vaginal but now she regularly cums 2-4 times when we have sex.

As far as not being able to bear children - well I'm sure you have considered adoption.
Imagine being able to bring happiness to an unwanted child's life.

I wish you the best in your sexual journey.

Re: New to the site

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:05 am
by CherryCooper00
Beginning your romantic life in college isn't an ideal place, im discovering. Its actually kind of amazing how we can have all this technology connecting us, and yet finding someone you're compatible with is still so difficult. Finding someone who is understanding, of both me and my medical situation, is difficult. And then you have to fret over when do you drop that baggage on them. No offense, but college guys tend to seem a little flakey in the dependability and trustworthy departments. Part of me is just so worried that im going to be too awkward and shy that i'll be 30 before I ever even have any form of sex for the first time.

Re: New to the site

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 8:40 am
by Robertos13
@ CherryCooper00
Please don't say so.. I am also religious and I believe it's better to begin have sex after marriage cuz it usually indicates the seriousness of the guy intentions and gives the girl the security she needs (emotionally and in case of pregnancy).. And as an anal lover I would be glad to marry a girl who I love even if she has MRKH, main thing is that we fit together and we love each other ❤️🌸 and the anal only lifestyle will be a pleasure for me and I would do all I can to make my girl enjoy it and love it .. And believe me am not a rare case.. there are enough men who would be honored to have such lovely girl like you 🌺

Re: New to the site

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:16 am
by analsexonly
CherryCooper00 wrote:
Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:05 am
Beginning your romantic life in college isn't an ideal place, im discovering. Its actually kind of amazing how we can have all this technology connecting us, and yet finding someone you're compatible with is still so difficult. Finding someone who is understanding, of both me and my medical situation, is difficult. And then you have to fret over when do you drop that baggage on them. No offense, but college guys tend to seem a little flakey in the dependability and trustworthy departments. Part of me is just so worried that im going to be too awkward and shy that i'll be 30 before I ever even have any form of sex for the first time.

It's a challenge we all face, unfortunately, finding a compatible partner. Especially with younger, inexperienced partners. But it's still worth trying. You'll find someone who loves you for who you are. I guarantee there are plenty of guys for whom a purely anal only partner would be completely ideal.