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Hello everybody

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:28 pm
by HsSlyna
[*]Hello from Sweden, everyone!

I’m a middle aged woman living in a D/s relationship since many years. My husband is my Master and he’s in charge of most parts of my life - of which sex is one.

I found AOL on Tumblr a long time ago and immediately became interested in this lifestyle. My husband hasn’t been willing to give up my pussy though. Until a month ago, that is. Suddenly he declared that my pussy and clit was now off limits! Quite unexpected to me.

Since then we only have anal and oral sex. We both love it!

I’m here now to learn more about training my ass in all aspects. I’d like to stretch it in order to manage somewhat larger toys as well as increase my stamina so to speak. I’d like to be able to wear butplugs for a longer time (hours). I easily get sore. We have to be quite gentle all the time and I dream about being able to receive harder pounding once in a while.

My guess is that there are a few experts here 8-)

I’ll start by browsing old threads for tips...

Re: Hello everybody

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:15 am
by analsexonly
Welcome, @HsSlyna!

Congratulations on finally achieving your goal of anal only and welcome to the lifestyle! It sounds like it's going very well for the both of you!

How frequently are you having anal sex currently? If you're getting sore, the best thing is to generally establish a routine where you can do it without getting significantly sore and then over a period of several weeks, working up to doing it more and more frequently, and that gradual ramping up and warmup will tend to work well.

Additionally, wearing a plug between having sex or on days that you don't have sex also helps to more passively maintain your anal relaxation and comfort long term, which makes it easier to do it more frequently with less or no soreness and keep building your routine from there.

As for training in general, in addition to the above, anal masturbation with dildos can be quite effective. Start with a size at or slightly above what you're comfortable with and go up in approximately 1/4"/6mm diameter increments as you get comfortable with each one. With butt plugs, wearing it as long as it's comfortable and then trying to push that to a little longer at regular intervals can work well. It's also possible that the shape of a plug can contribute to it not being comfortable, so if you just can't make it work for you, try another with a more ergonomic design.

Re: Hello everybody

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:11 am
by HsSlyna
Thankyou @analsexonly !

Great advice that I’ll try as soon as possible!

Re: Hello everybody

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:23 am
by analsexonly
You're welcome, @HsSlyna! Let us know how it goes!

Re: Hello everybody

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:29 pm
by doris
Welcome HsSlyna,
Im into anal since i can remember, i always had my anus involved in masturbating and started to shove in different things when i was a teen. I loved it and so i started to use different things like knobs of furnitures. Used vaseline to have it slippery to avoid getting sore and started long time wearing. Today im wearing ergonomic plugs as mentioned by analsexonly ;)

Re: Hello everybody

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 2:25 pm
by magiclove
Great to hear from someone else in Sweden!
My best advice for you is to buy an inflatable butt plug.
It is easy to insert when deflated.
Then you can pump it up while masturbating with a vibrator, preferably with a Magic Wand.
When you come, your pelvic muscles will push the plug outwards, dilating your anus without any discomfort, only pleasure...
After a while, you can do it all...

Re: Hello everybody

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:32 am
by HsSlyna
Update from me :)
I’m becoming addicted to wearing a butplug...My husband wants to wear one often, and the days I’m without I feel so empty... the time I manage varies a lot though. Some days I wear it the whole day and others I give up within the hour. And I still get sore easily.

I’m using my dildo I’m the shower when time allows it.

I’ll ask my husband what he thinks about an inflatable plug. I don’t think he’ll allow that, he’s afraid my ass will be too loose I think...

Re: Hello everybody

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:42 am
by analsexonly
Great to hear, @HsSlyna! Butt plugs can be a lot of fun, and being able to wear them easily while doing other things just adds to the fun. Keep it up and you'll be able to keep it in longer. You may also find that some plugs are more comfortable long-term than others and could wear one for the challenge as long as you can before switching to a smaller or more ergonomic one that doesn't put as much strain on your ass but still stimulates it and keeps your mind on it.

There's a lot to be said in favor of an even more well-trained ass that comes from larger toy play, and it can open up a lot of other fun, so it may be worth trying an inflatable or other large toy. I would say your husband shouldn't be too worried—if you're careful and don't injure yourself, you'll just become more elastic over time and will still tighten back up after play, though it could take a day or two.