I'm ready to give up on anal... :,(

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I'm ready to give up on anal... :,(

Post by TEoaS » Thu Nov 10, 2022 6:09 pm

No matter how much I douche beforehand, no matter how much water I use... I never can get my rectum to be clean... I'm starting to think maybe anal isn't meant for me... All the guides on Google say the same freaking thing, douche with Luke warm water, but not too much, use an anal douch, yaddi yaddi yadda... I do all that... doesn't get me clean enough.... Nothing freaking works..... I'm ready to give up because I'm a really clean person and can never get myself pornstar ready to be able to receive a guy... I'm really discouraged and don't know if I'm meant to enjoy it.... 😞

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Re: I'm ready to give up on anal... :,(

Post by Rimmer » Fri Nov 11, 2022 4:13 am

Maybe you need to accept you are the way you are. Porn star doesn't always reflect the real world. Having a clean ass hole is great for oral sex and can be achieved relatively easily, but internally your body will release what it releases and for some of us that is part of the fun, not knowing quite what you will encounter as you penetrate. I know others like it all squeaky clean, but me, I don't care, it's all part of the fun. Maybe if you can't change how your body reacts, you need to change your thinking. Poop comes out of the bum, so if there is a bit up there, so what. Anyway, if you are dead set on being super clean what I said will seem stupid, but it's just a thought to consider, if I pull my dick out and it has poop on it, it's fine, a little brown trophy.

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Re: I'm ready to give up on anal... :,(

Post by Backdoorlover » Fri Nov 11, 2022 4:26 am

I did anal with 3 women in my life. The first time a douche was used, was with my current woman when she agreed to try ass to mouth. 30 years Before that I always assfucked them without cleaning.

A man who is grossed out by some poo on his cock, has no bussiness wanting it anyway.

Most of the times I had something on my cock, I whiped it off without her knowing because to me it doesn’t matter and I wanted her to feel sexy and horny.

So please don’t let your own obsession of cleanliness stop you from enjoying a cock in you ass. Put down a package of babywipes for him and enjoy anal sex to the max.
Backdoorlover’s quote:

“Ass to mouth is the only right way to have sex”🔥

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Re: I'm ready to give up on anal... :,(

Post by luv2play45 » Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:04 pm

TEoaS wrote:
Thu Nov 10, 2022 6:09 pm
No matter how much I douche beforehand, no matter how much water I use... I never can get my rectum to be clean... I'm starting to think maybe anal isn't meant for me... All the guides on Google say the same freaking thing, douche with Luke warm water, but not too much, use an anal douch, yaddi yaddi yadda... I do all that... doesn't get me clean enough.... Nothing freaking works..... I'm ready to give up because I'm a really clean person and can never get myself pornstar ready to be able to receive a guy... I'm really discouraged and don't know if I'm meant to enjoy it.... 😞

I'm not sure if you'll find our method helpful butt here goes...
My wife is a nurse, now retired, and she is averse to enemas before anal sex.
We are AO and have been for many years.
She uses the bathroom before our session and cleans her anus with a wash cloth.
After I have been inside her for a few minutes she always says she feels like she needs to go and heads to the bathroom again.
She usually does this at least twice - sometimes some poo comes out and sometimes not.
There is almost never any on me but if there is I clean it off.
Wifey says that poo on my dick irritates her asshole.
After a couple trips to the loo she is relaxed and not worried about stray poop getting on things and is good to go for a vigorous fucking.
I guess you could say that anal sex is her enema ;)

Now, for some folks I suppose that this starting and stopping might be a deal breaker - at least for some men.
But I have come to find it fun. There is a build up, a bit of a cool down and then another build up of intensity.
Sex last longer this way too. No wham, bam, thank you mam for us.
If your partner is willing I would say to give this a try.

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Re: I'm ready to give up on anal... :,(

Post by Juliet » Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:25 pm

Pay attention to what types of food you eat.
Pay attention to how frequently you eat.

Types of food.
Anything stays longer in your body takes time to digest such as grains, meat, fish, always stays within you for a long period of a time. This is also goes with the time you eat.
Example: you eat a piece of meat 8 am. If that meat containes some seasoning, under cooked it takes more time to digest. Then you eat again at 1. Normally meat requires five to six hours to digest. Sometimes more. Once you put food in you, before digestive stuff has not exit, your new food also starts the digestion process. You may remove your morning food by 2 but still you have another food quota in your body. So you still have stool in you.

Snacking, eating again before you previous food leaves your body always will make anal accidents. I used to have a vegan diet because it digest really quickly an leaves the body. Very anal healthy. But for overall health. Not so much. Then I change my food the keto diet. Which involves meat eggs and fish. Now I need extra time for digestion. Key is time. Put a distance between meals. Up to maximum seven hours. And no snacking in between. If you take seven hour gap after three hours your bowels get clear. If you eat anything in-between your second food will have a new timing to digest. Point is frequent eating leads to your digestive system works all the time and when that happens you have stools all the time. Doesn't matter you do an enema. Your digesting process still happening. To figure out what time gaps works for you either talk to your doctor or test your own body with different timings. You have to to a balancing point where the food digest and keep healthy without getting starved. Also for some people coffee makes their bowels dry. Which mean stools don't leave but it stays in bowel walls. I have that issue. I don't drink coffee. There's an always a way. We just have to figure it out.

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Re: I'm ready to give up on anal... :,(

Post by Colt1911 » Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:23 am

Even vaginal penetration isn’t totally clean. My wife used to suffer from yeast infections (because of food allergy) and I’d end up with a cottage cheese type discharge on my cock. It never bothered me just like a little poop doesn’t bother me. She wants to be clean for me so I never tell her when I encounter it. I confess when I see a little brown color outside of her hole, it turns me on. This doesn’t mean we’re in to scat.

We are not experts in depth play, but there are methods of deep cleaning that takes time. Some on this forum could help explain the process. For us, a small enema is enough to clean her out. Every now and then we have anal sex WITHOUT prep. To be honest, I’ve encountered more “dirt” during anal sex when she’s prepped than I have when she hasn’t.

The bottom line to me is this is anal sex, and when you play in the dirt, you’re going to encounter it at some point. I would not let this deter you from finding joy in anal sex.

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