The problem with clit denial

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The problem with clit denial

Post by Pervertboy » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:10 am

Hi guys, its my first post but i wanted already to ask for help with an impasse in my relationship. To get there ill have to explain a lot of context with which i will try to be the most brief possible. (Sorry the big text, please read till end)

How it began.
Well, i was a virgin until 22y old, never even kissed a girl till that. And my first experiences was all with an asian domme in a bdsm club, a very older woman (i choose her because of my fetish for asians, she was the only asian). She has educated me to be her slave in sesions, what was a bit painfull but was the closest ive been to a female. I fell in love with her. It was 6y ago. Now she isnt domme in club anymore, she is my girlfriend in a strict monogamous relationship. And since she began to allow me to penetrate her, we are anal only. Some important details: she is a very complicated woman, with various psycological issues, she is skittish, agressive, rude and inconstant cranky. She dont like when something doesnt goes her way. She doesnt accept to be questioned. So yeah, she is too annoying and hard to live together... and to make it hardest, she pratices martial arts since teenager, and its stronggest than me. She all is bigger than me, just her thighs could kill me. And yes, she hits me sometimes, in a non kinky way. Sometimes she confines me in her house to controll my ways. And another similar things...

You all must be thinking why i still date this woman, i know. My family already said she is a bad woman and we live in an abusive relationship. Well, despite of all, i love her. She is so beautifull, she fits perfectly my asian desire (what makes her extremally rare since i live in ocidental country), and i really dont trust in any chances of find another woman. So once im sure to live with her, i need to fix things, not let go. I can deal with her anger and cranky way with my affection. I used to calm her down with fonddling and kisses.

The sex matter:
She beginning to let me penetrate her ass as form of humiliation, she kept her rectum dirty inside and its almost a little scat pratice. I liked anyway because i was always into anal sex since teenage with porn, always had preference for anal. My domme treat me like a toy and i just follow what she wants. She says i was the most docile obedient sub and it made we more close and we get to date out of club. In her home she became more controlling, putting cock rings in me to make feel pain when my dick penetrates her asshole, she want me to receive assfucking as a punish to me, not a enjoyment(But i always have pleasure anyway, even with pain ruining it). She make things like that because the main action between us always was cunnilingus. She make things all about her pussy, she has a big clit and very fat lips, and never shave, so you can imagine that bushy cunt really steal the show. And she makds me eat that at least 3 times a day when we meet. And this is all, for hours we do only oral(only cunnilingus, she never do blowjob). And after she came at least 8 times, she drops me on the floor and go continue her routine. She said that cunnilingus is sex for us, anal is my punishment. In her mind, her genitals is too superior to be penetrated, because of this she is anal only. She never had contact with this community of anal only lifestyle, her idea of deny the vaginal intercourse born from her ginocentric and matriarchy ideal. She says she is superior to all men, and i am blessed to has the privilege to touch her body. So yes, she is a little mad woman, but i really really love her. I say yes to all she create in her mind. When i asked her to do blowjob one time, she decided to punish me doing cock urethral sounding instead.

With time she is becoming more and more interested in anal, as she let me more free to touch her at my will and caress her body the way i wanted. She begin to let me fuck her ass in various free moments, only under the condition of i cant cum, only edge inside her ass. But to me was ok, i liked to fuck her ass without cumming anyway, we gone ahead like this and was good. Last year i convinced her to try the No Pussy November(i said it was my idea, not from a site). And as she already can cum from anal alone, i asked to our chalenge to be about clit denial the entire month, what she reject at begining. But i finally convince her about the hotness of cumming from anal stimulation alone. After all years i learned how to deal with my girl, how to play by her rules and use her mental games... i said that as her Pussy is so special, we shouldnt bother her precious big clit with regular base needs during anal, her clit must be the main thing so its wrong to evocate her clitoris just to help the arousal, as an acessory, and she then agreed. She stop touch her big clit and start to cums 100% anal only. She made the new rule: her clit only can be touched by my mouth. If she is clothed i can touch with hands over the clothes. And this solve our matter for a while.

The problem...
With the time, the frequency we had anal sex increassed so much that it rivaled the cunnilingus. Sometimes we did more anal than oral... and she became bothered by that. The same way of No Pussy November, she created the "no cock february". An entire month which i cant touch my cock, its pure cunnilingus all month. What was good to equilibrate our needs to. But i notice when my girlfriend is in long periods without receive any clitoral stimulation, her body becomes all more sensitive, more sexual. And even her hairy pussy is more drippy and aroused. When she spent 3 months in pure anal she become so wild and eager for more sex. And when i was looking at her thinking about her all anal status it made her look more nasty and appealing to me. And this is all the same for her, she says how be 100% anal only makes her hornyness happen from asshole, that she feels much hooter and kinky as all her thoughts become towards her anus, what its extremelly arousing for her... BUT ..she says she cant give up her clit because is it what makes her a woman, and she is too proud of her genitals to abandone it, even pure anal being more pleasurable. She says that anal make her feels naughty, but cunninlingus make her feels a woman. So its not a matter of what is more pleasurable, is a matter of meaning. And i really agree with her, the pure anal only is wonderfull, but is nothing that i couldnt do with a man or a crossdresser... and if im not doing something which i only can do with a woman, like to suck her vulva, im not trully heterosexual... im not trully liking women if i dont apreciatte what makes the women. And this is making we live a dilemma between anal and oral ... which one should predominates. Its something so strong in our psycological that during her menstrual period she have anal with much more freedom and pleasure, because being in her period already makes her feel more woman, so she can have sex clitfree. During her period is when we have sex almost all daylong and everything is hotter. Even her anal orgasms are more easy and intense.

My girlfriend prohibited me of watch anal only blogs on tumblr saying they are full of misoginy and talks about anal scorning female's genitalia. There has an awfull blog which use photoshop to remove the women's genitals, the most sickening shit ive seen in my life, and my girlfriend saw that and destroyed my computer. She punched me very hard, really hurt me that day.. and gave the worse punishment possible, which was stay away from her. She spent 2 weeks no talking to me, was much worse than any punch of her. So when i talked her about no pussy november, i had to say it was my creation. She cant know i made this profile on the blog, by the way. I dont want she has an anger explosion again. And since the covid19 quarentine started she put me in her house and we are living together since april. I am dealing well with my mad girlfriend and this gave me the definitive sure that i want to marry her. So im here by the cellphone asking for help to deal with this dilemma. How can i incorporate clit denial in our sex life without lose the feminine theme of relationship? Considering that although we both love assfucking with 0% pussy/clit, my girlfriend is proud of her clit like a samurai with his sword. Help me guys...
Last edited by Pervertboy on Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The problem with clit denial

Post by Canassman » Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:47 pm

Assuming this is all true.... and I kind of hope it’s not... this is a physically, emotionally and mentally abusive relationship. No man or woman should be living with this level of non consensual abuse. You need to get out of this relationship ASAP. Just because your were a virgin before you met her doesn’t mean she’s the only one for you, and it may mean your confidence and self esteem are low. Get out now. You need to do some therapy with a counselor before entering into another relationship as well.

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Re: The problem with clit denial

Post by Pervertboy » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:16 am

Canassman wrote:
Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:47 pm
Assuming this is all true.... and I kind of hope it’s not... this is a physically, emotionally and mentally abusive relationship. No man or woman should be living with this level of non consensual abuse. You need to get out of this relationship ASAP. Just because your were a virgin before you met her doesn’t mean she’s the only one for you, and it may mean your confidence and self esteem are low. Get out now. You need to do some therapy with a counselor before entering into another relationship as well.

Man, thanks for the preocupation, really kindness from you, really! but dont need to worry about that. Maybe i made things seems a little apocaliptical or worst than really are. For example, when i said she destroyed my computer, forggot to mention that computer was she who gave me in first place, was a birthday gift she gave me... so there are details i ommited to not make topic too long,, but the point is that My girlfriend is not so bad,, ithings are not so terrible as you imagine. Look, she is not agressive all the time, ive learned how to handdle her and avoid conflicts, im surviving very well haha :P :lol:
. Relax, she still is a marvelous girlfriend, she is used to break rules and take me with her work travels, turning into a tours to us just because she knows that is gonna have something i like in the place. She goes over anything to just cherish and kittle me! She is pretty fond also, always worried about me and my stuff, if im ok and and if going well in my job or if im needing something at all. She is the kind to ask to get the jacket because wheather will get cold, and always ask to call on phone to be sure i arrived okay. We both wake up with good morniing messages each other and hers is always the more cute ones, while mine use to be erotic jokes with her XD. She even bough fight in her work to stay home a couple days taking care me when i was sick, twice. Believe me, she would do anything to protect me liike a mom with her kid.

I only said those things before to you have in mind that she isnt a negotiable person in that aspect, so to try to change her mind must be out of question. To clarify that the solution im looking for is a form to unite our interests and needs somehow. But she to be bossy and "a little bit scary" is not a factor, its just her personality and i really love this woman. We are together for years and, trust me, im happy with her. Im convinced that she is the woman of my life. and i want to make everything i can to get better our relationship
Eat pussy, fuck butt :idea:

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