Hello from Indiana

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Hello from Indiana

Post by demandinghand » Mon Dec 13, 2021 10:46 am

Firstly thanks for taking a moment to read this and to the members of this site who have already posted. We might be a small and unconventional group but I think we are just as passionate and genuine about our desires as any other group of people. I've loved anal from the first time I knew of it. I have pursued it all my life and have yet to find someone to share it with as intensely as I had always hoped I would. Which has led me here to this site. I still may never get what I want and have an anal only woman in my life but I feel I must at least put it out here unashamed of my true desires. I adore anal sex. The excitement and pleasure it has provided me can not be described in words alone but I thought I would share a story of when I first discovered my love for anal.

I can remember the first time I saw a man and women having anal sex as a young boy. I was huddled around a small color TV at a friends house in the summer time after his parents had gone to work. Having found a porn VCR tape was unique in those days as the internet was not available yet. For most of us having a small collection of dirty magazines hidden under a mattress was the best we could hope for. Magazines handed down from an older sibling or traded for with your most prized possessions to the neighborhood kids who were lucky enough to have more then one magazine. This was your only chance of seeing anything sexual. No moving pictures and certainly no sex acts where displayed in those magazine pages. Just pictures of pretty women and your imagination of what it would feel like to touch such amazing curves. Exciting yes but to see it in action was going to be great so we could hardly wait to see what was on this adult video my friend had acquired. This wasn't my first glimpse of where a cock could go in a woman for me. I'd seen vaginal and oral sex preformed in a different video but I had never seen anal sex nor did I know what it was. It looked amazing and left a life long impression on me the first time I saw it. I wanted it. I needed it. I never forgot it. I left my childhood friend's house with a raging hard-on without fully understanding why I was so excited.

As I grew up I wanted anal sex with every girl I was in a relationship with. Some were receptive to having anal sex and some were not. I've ended many of my relationships because of the woman I was with did not want anal sex. I've had many women tell me I was a freak or gross for preferring anal over vaginal sex. There was a time when I felt selfish for wanting anal sex so much and I felt as if I were unreasonable for expecting the woman I was with to give me her ass. However no matter how much I tried to be "normal" sexually or dismissive about my desires to have anal sex I could never escape the overwhelming want to have anal sex. I no longer apologize for adoring anal or for preferring it. For me nothing is better then the pleasure of anal sex. I am always open to conversation about anal so please feel free to chat with me anytime and I am looking forward to all your stories too.

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Re: Hello from Indiana

Post by Canassman » Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:26 pm

I remember watching “back door to Hollywood” with Barbie as a teen with my girlfriend. The first anal scene just kind of pops up and the woman says “oh yeah, back door me baby!” - that scene was a pivotal moment for me in my sexual development. I was obsessed with it. Happily the girl I watched it with and I went on to have anal, and 30+ years we are still together, and we’re Anal mostly for many years before becoming anal only abt 6 years ago. Your account triggered that very happy memory

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Re: Hello from Indiana

Post by demandinghand » Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:32 pm

Thanks for sharing that Canassman! That is an awesome story. Glad you have enjoyed each other and anal for 30+ years.

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Re: Hello from Indiana

Post by AnalJay » Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:53 am

Hi, you’ve made me remember what I think was my first time seeing anal sex. I was watching TV with my parents, a war film. I can’t remember the film really or the name of it; but we were all sat there watching the film when a German officer took a liking to a village girl and ended up sleeping with her, she didn’t really have a choice and she just lay there silently on her side. You didn’t see much, just them on their side; but as he screwed her I could tell it wasn’t how people normally had sex, and it became apparent that he was fucking her in the arse, something I had not really considered a man and woman doing before. We all sat there embarrassed and silent and I developed a huge hard on. I desperately wanted to leave the room but had to sit and try to make polite conversation until my erection was less obvious. It was so embarrassing, everyone trying to pretend that they had not just sat together watching what surmounted to an anal rape scene. The officer filled her back side with his cum as she lay on her side trying to ignore him, and then he put his pants on and left
I was quite young then, I got erections from an early age – so young I though there was something wrong with my cock, I thought my cum was some sort of puss, that maybe I had an infection from too much playing with it!! I guess that must have triggered an interest in anal; but back then and as I went through school, anal was known as bummig and considered something that gay people did because they couldn’t have normal sex. So I never mentioned my interest in anal sex. This next bit I have told on the forum before; A few years later I lost my virginity and a girl way riding me cowgirl. It felt great, I’ll not describe it, you know what sex feels like; But she dismounted and as she did I saw my cum dripping out of her anus. She wiped my sperm from her butt with her black knickers and I realized I’d been inside her ass. I thought it had felt tighter and different to earlier when we were having vaginal sex, and that was it I was hooked on anal.

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Re: Hello from Indiana

Post by Pavel » Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:34 pm

Hi! Great respect to you! ✊🏻 It is nice to know that we are not alone in our lifestyle )
I love girls’ butts only too. What is in front is not even interesting to me - the only sex is anal sex 🙅🏼
Anal is the new black.

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